I'm waiting for the GOPtards to declare that their first priority is making her a one-term president.

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Thank Loki we live in a time where sophisticated computing systems allow us to quickly and effortlessly reference forty-five year-old classic English movies.

And rodent urine.

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Your triple redundancy makes it awfully hard to score your dismount as highly as it deserves. (Except for that East German judge. She's a rhymes-with-witch.)

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I know "monastic self abuse" should be... merely amusing, and not... um... provocative.

Left something in my bunk, BRB

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I am a slow typist, and so I tend to keep most of my comments short. I have failed, again, to convey to you the fact that I agree with you. I think Hillary will be too old, or at least not the optimal age, to run in 2016.

My question was not meant to imply "we have no other choice", but was a straight question: Given that Hillz an OHJ are too old, who, in your opinion, have we got? My own answer, at this point, is "I dunno". You appear to follow politics more closely than I do, so I am interested in your opinion.

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Hey, the pollsters have to do <i>something</i> to kill time until the next election rolls around. (They also asked Americans if they thought Obama and the GOPtards would agree on a budget. They got 0% for the first time in the history of polls.)

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She'll be OK if she stays away from Ibogaine.

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No, with Th' Atcher, it's a dirt nap of dirt.

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You know, despite having a fair amount of respect for Hillz (and recognizing at least some of her flaws), I'd kind of prefer not to resume the "same-old-names" thing. But:

(1) If it comes down to Bush or Clinton, please sign me up for the latter.

(2) More importantly, who? OHJGLH is five years older than Hillary (or me), and has already had fairly serious health issues. I'd kind of like to see a governor -- Cuomo? Patrick? O'Malley needs a major speechifying upgrade. Moonbeam is, unfortunately, just too fucking old. Few of the other D govs have much national visibility yet, although 3 years is quite a long time. Who would be good?

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I don't follow your reasoning. willio* suggests

gridlock in congress ==> continued recession


left-leaning congress ==> more leftish Obama.

I don't see how reversing those cause ==> effect relations makes sense.

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Hillary is, give or take a week, the same age as me. I can easily agree that she will be too old. So, as I've asked elsewhere, should we be looking at?

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I agree with all of your points. Did you read my comment?

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"it is tradition in political journalism to first consult three hundred million people who have no idea what they are talking about for an opinion before eventually/never consulting the one who does"

Truer words have never been written except why confine it to political journalism.

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This is a brilliant solution to the problem of term limits. Let's head over to Red State and tell them it would be legal & thanks for creating the opportunity. I'll bring the popcorn.

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