Yeah, I agree, you said it better than I did. It's more like horse race going, it's ratings time!! I am very glad however, that there are some people in the media who are reporting on this. Joy Reid and Paul Krugman have both done pieces this week about the double-standard in covering Drumph and Clinton. Maybe more of the "journalists" will start following suit as they see Trump as a real threat as we get closer to the election.

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Uncle Jed, come quick, Granny found her hash pipe where you hid it.

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My cats approve of your approval or at least would if they were awake.

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More like work from the basement of your mom's home opportunities.

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What happens when news becomes entertainment.

I say as I get my news from a very entertaining website.

But it's still wrong. We should theoretically look to news to be informed, not titillated.

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I'd vote for Hillary even if she had to pay someone to say she had the best, most awesomest health?

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the one on the right knows how to do it. the one on the left needs to take lessons in laziness.

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I was always hoping that Schlafly would turn around and say "just kidding!", especially as she was a woman devoting time her to career of campaigning against women devoting time to their careers.

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Considering the quality of the crowds he usually has around him, pretending to be a human being would be a drawback.

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apparently emailing wrong 8 years ago also,too.

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That's Mama Mei on the right, a true veteran. Her son, Johnny, left, has been practicing. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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And here we are.

Another glowing example of the American Propaganda network.

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Oh yeah, even though it never works, I just keep trying to breathe and swallow at the same time.

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She's hiding something about this cough on her private email servers. No wait she was having a coughing fit and missed the SOS email from Liibya. Oh oh. She is allergic to Huma Abaden's perfume. No, no. The Clinton Foundation is taking money from Big Pharma sources to fund research in Switzerland to find a cure for her cough. And I heard the cough is a psychosomatic response to killing Vince Foster. The House needs to investigate what Obama knows about the cough.

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Nice cats. Now, another Hannity type leading question. Could it be the cats are the ones who run the household? For me the answer is why yes, the cats run the house. LOL.Side question. I am relatively new to this site, soooo how does post a picture of your cats like you did?

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If I didn't believe Clinton Rules were a thing before this election, I sure as hell do now. What is our press even doing, wasting time on a cough? We have nothing else to think about? How about healthcare? That affects me way more than Hillary's cough or emails, and I don't think I've heard a reporter mention it since the primary. I don't think *anyone* has mentioned it - other than Hillary herself, when proposing things like a mental health care policy that may actually help some people.

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