Because only Allah is perfect.

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18th century BCE in that instance, yes.

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I'm here for the larfs.

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"Hillary Clinton plays key role in dance with Hosni Mubarak"

[Somewhere in a bunker just outside Cairo. Clinton and Mubarak sit around a guttering candle while the sound of gunfire draws closer]

Hillary - Ok, Hosni calm down. Calm the fuck down! Now listen. I see a way out of this. You have to win the hearts of the Egyptian people again and I know just the way to do it. You with me? Good. You know how everyone loves those reality shows right? Ready? Dancing with the Dictators! It's a great idea. Even if you lose, you still charm the pants off of everyone. Look at Tom Delay and Bristol Palin. Ok...Tom's a bad example, but still. We can...

Hosni - Please Hillary, stop. I'm leaving now to confront my fate outside. Being riddled with bullets sounds better.

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Bad news: the algorithm IntenseDebate uses to calculate pee levels weights down-thumbs much more heavily than up-thumbs. They don't say how much more heavily.

The algorithm obviously needs to be reformed. I think it would be appropriate for up-fists to be unweighted, and down-fists to be weighted according to the voter's history on this site. A person whose net fisting votes are negative would have a positive effect instead, proportional to how often they down-fist.

Or we can just go to Liberals=Intolerance and tell them what assholes they are.

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I do my best. Comments like that are way better than any P

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Newt Gingrich is also advising him, because he identifies with the Much Younger Wife thing. Cradle robbers have to stick together.

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<i>"...the 82-year-old Egyptian leader and his much younger wife..."</i>

His "smokin' hott wife". Fixed.

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I for one would have an easier time making sense of the events in Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan if I knew that those Arabic signs were misspelled and incoherent, and if the protesters wore 18th century costumes.

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