Given our country's steady march into <a href="http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/Wlizv.jpg" target="_blank">idiotcy</a>, I wouldn't be surprised if a president's legitimacy was challenged once it became known that she had been conceived while her parents we on vacation in Paris.

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a huh uh

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Centurian: Will they be real women?

Alien leader: Don't worry, you won't be able to tell the difference.

(I forgot the book this came from...it was about a Roman legion that was shanghaied by an alien race and used as mercenaries.)

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You don't see them because they stay in the kitchen.

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2016? Who can think of 2016 at a time like this? What about the 2030 match up between the Bush girls vs. Cheney's emancipated heart? Or the 2050 show down between Frankie the Preconceived Fetus and the holographic head of Elvis?

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They left Romney out of the poll. He'll be a Demoncrat by then, after the Repubicans kick him to the curb a few months from now.

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Did I calculate correctly?

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Geez ... the teabaggers hate her almost as much as they hate Obama. Are we really going to have to put up with all their stupid, obnoxious bullshit <i>again?</i>

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