... I AM DRUNK ALL THE TIME AND MUST CREDIT WONKETTE.* (* for sobering me up with a healthy slap of reality.)

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Ask her "why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?"

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You must be referring to the reports that many people are saying Trump donated money to NAMBLA.

(I'm spelling it out because the Google crawlers may not be much brighter than conservative voters are.)

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I actually think the whole Omar Mateen thing was a pure-play Dirty Trick by the Republicans, worthy of Donald Segretti.

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Sideshow Bob and Snake! Killary confirmed.

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So it was Breitbart people who sent him there to begin with, of course.

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Even NY Magazine has written about it. They admit they can't find substantive proof, but without the tax returns there's really no way to know.

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He's her sekrit lover that even Huma doesn't know about.

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I, for one, find it hard to believe that Donald J. Trump, candidate for President, has contributed money to NAMBLA, an organization that promotes pedophilia. Many people are saying it is true, however. Is it true? I don't know.

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Where is she? I miss her singing.

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What he did is slightly worse. Because he knows Foley, he’s given a lot of cash to Foley. And, if you watch Foley when Trump turns around to waive at the crowd, you can see that Foley is hoping to be recognized and acknowledged.

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He's saving her a fuckton of time and effort. I bet every Wednesday at her campaign is a spa day. Why stress? Go get a mani-pedi and drink mimosas and watch the dumpster fire show ooze itself into oblivion.

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You dance with them what brung ya.

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What? You say there are reports that Trump donated money to NAMBLA? This needs to be repeated online at every opportunity!

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This article has an interesting take on Milo. https://www.theguardian.com...

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I hope you're sitting down... There were no mass shootings in US America in the last 5 days. The crazies are fixated on their teevees watching Squeezie Cheese Tinyfingers melt down into a puddle of batshit.

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