https://twitter.com/snicker... #BasketOfNastySkeezesKellyAnne agrees

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perfect crumple shot: "Sorry, Trump supporters. Many of you — probably “half” or so — are an absolute fucking embarrassment to America, and you earned every bit of this."

It should be a CNN screen crawl.

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New meme - Donald's basket cases. The graphic possibilities are endless.

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Other way 'round. Because they're deplorable, they support Trump. Supporting Trump identifies them as deplorable.

It's efficient. How else could we identify so many troglodytes in a large crowd with a glance?

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You can, actually. There's a "Recommend" button just above where the comments would be, if comments were allowed.

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At least half of the Republicans who read that far down into her statement will be convinced. Maybe even both of them.

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(sigh) Too true.

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All of you DEPLORABLES deserve what you are going to get for the next 8 years. You can make up all of the excuses that you want, but you are a bunch of privileged racist whites who like standing on the backs of people of color. Careful, you might lose your balance one day soon!

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Hillary, WTF? Did you really say 50%? Everybody knows that 100% of Trump supporters are Deplorable. And Despicable.

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I know. Neither one has pledged to legalize weed and shut down the NSA, so they're both just establishment shills.

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Can you blame them? I mean, after desegregation, the line at the water cooler got twice as long! To say nothing of the lines at the voting booth after women's suffrage. Oh, the indignities!

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My ears!

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Yeah, but she didn't say the other part of that - that Trump is deplorable. Or maybe that's because he's much *worse* than deplorable.

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What is it with these people getting their panties in a twist when it is suggested they might be racist and then defending themselves from the charges with a litany of racist bullshit? "I am NOT racist! It's just that everybody on the planet who isn't lilly white is a horrible bigot who murders everybody and rapes all the white wimmins." Well, thanks for clarifying that, buddy.

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Look at the second part of her statement again. "The other basket". The Republicans who are being screwed over by their own. The ones who see a racist demagogue running the Party into the ground. Nobody seems to have noticed her outreach to the despairing masses who only vote "R" because it seems the only choice. And her follow up. "As I said, many of Trump’s supporters are hard-working Americans who just don’t feel like the economy or our political system are working for them. I’m determined to bring our country together and make our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top. Because we really are ‘stronger together.’ “

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