FOX News - the Cleveland Browns of news gathering.

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With all due respect "Hello" stumps the fox crew

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Five-year-old child, 3 seconds

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If Hillary Clinton was tweeting about the game, she should have added "#SuperBowl" at the end.

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Dok Zoom:

It's a sarcasm chasm.

A bliss abyss.

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No, that's no adult human. It's a FOX Personality®, meaning just the legs.

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It's called "sarchasm" - The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

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You beat me to it. By several hours. Sigh.

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You keep saying word<i>s</i>. I don't think <i>anything</i> means what you think it means.

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The Ambush at Irony Gap!

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We did learn the meaning of Payton Manning's "Omaha!"

"Every man for himself!"

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I'd rather spend time with that Prancer Vixen.

Or that Vixen Prancer.

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Don't feed the trolls.

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The Hillz has earned the right to set her Backfield in Motion for that one without fear of zebra laundry.

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