I don't get it. How is that a gun, smoking or otherwise?

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There already was an investigation into the attack. No fault could be attributed to any individual(s) according to the guidelines and regulations investigators use.

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The people Gowdy and his fellow travelers fundraise off of and need as reliable voters believe him. Once they had killed ACORN for the 47 billionth time, they needed a reliable pitch.

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I always pegged him as more of a Goober person

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There's a reason they call it Hotmail

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Well he helped beat Slytherin in that last quidditch match.

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Their case is going up in smoke.

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Tribbles thank you! I have been trying for months to remember what that thing is on top of Trumps head

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And Planned Parenthood.

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They are making her angry. They won't like it when she's angry.

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Your ignorance of the law may to some degree be excused since you've obviously never served your nation in the military. That being said, it would be easy enough for you to educate yourself on the laws regarding handling and securing classified information IF you were even remotely interested in doing so.

Regardless...if the Queen of Lies is as innocent and selfless as you say (which is surely impossible) WHY has she done everything she possibly could to avoid this scrutiny? I'm completely certain she could strangle a puppy live on national TV and you and your ilk would cheer her on.

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Oooh, Derpius doesn't know that Wonkette is Lawyer Central, does he?

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Of course given his sure-to-be questionable business practices, i'm sure Trump will get one soon.

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And that's the weird thing about all of this. There are plenty of legitimate things to "ding" Hilary on. And yet congressional wingnuts always zero in on the pettiest of bullshit and othet non-issues. Hang around some of those "libtard" websites sometimes. They have documented problems and concerns with Clinton's politics. And yet Republicans still feel they have to manufacture scandals in order to "nail" Clinton on something. How dumb.

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At least wait until they dunk Hilary down the river to see if she floats before tuning out.

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Does Trey Gowdy truly believe that by slathering the cum on his face, rather than swallowing, it disguises his rampant cock sucking?

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