I think I laughed at the final line WAAAAY too hard than I should've...

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Yeah, the weirdest part about "let Trump burn down the system" guy is that he was a big time Bernie bro. I'll never understand the Bernie supporters who would rather vote for Trump, who is Bernie's opposite in pretty much every way, than Hillary, who is just a little more center than Bernie. But I guess she is also a woman who did emails and BENGHAZI!!!!111!! So there is that.

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I don't know, but the third step is profit so you're 1/3 of the way there!

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I still whine about Boomers all the time because fuck them and their 70's radio that's still fucking playing because they're terrified of anything new so keep listening to the same shit over and over and over again.

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Imagine that!

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I loved her deadpan responses. She pulled this off really well because I would have LOLed multiple times.

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All of us Gen Xers were not yet conceived, gestating, or in diapers when the SLA was a thing.

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So you're the pessimistic Sartre.

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They just can't be taken seriously, except, of course, for the fact that the good of the country needs at least some of their votes.

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Well, I do believe one can create meaning through acts of kindness. More Plague than Stranger.

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No, it's one of those exclusive players. I always have to go hunt down the Youtube link in order to see them.

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ugh, I see what you mean. My luck is... mixed outside of YT and DM

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This. My English classes at my university all had an exit essay requirement but the papers were graded by a different professor and you got two tries to pass it or else you had your final grade lowered by one letter.

In 102 I was the only person that had failed on the first attempt so I asked the professor what I did wrong so that I could pass the next attempt. They went and reviewed it and originally I had been failed because I didn't have the minimum number of quotes from the given sources in my essay (I think it was 3 or 4) but they had missed one of the quotes I used, so I actually passed.

Since I took the time to care it meant I didn't have to show up for a 7:30 AM final that next week and end up writing another essay that wasn't needed.

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Yeah, I moved away from CA in 1993 so I don't know if they still do it. Heck, now I wonder if some stores started introducing those kits after my time.

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Happy Birthday Granny!

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