There's a few others with dibs.

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oh nooooo! So close! I live near Portland but will be out of town and flying back to the Portland airport that afternoon and getting in just too late. POUT.

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If "whenever" includes "8 pm" i might be able to make it.

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OMG, okay I have to meet you, I've been wanting to come to some contra in Portland for so long. I live out in the Gorge, about an hour east of town.

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Please come and join Us! I should warn you, I'm in the woodwind section.

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It's all Charlie BROWN'S fault...https://media3.giphy.com/me...

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"I love the poorly educated".......no shit

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I'm impressed. These guys were actually able to ALMOST use the word "vagina" in public. When Hillary is elected, they may be even able to SAY it in public. This is a step forward.

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But can you dance to it?

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No, you're wrong. I laughed so hard at hoofwanking bunglecunts, and much as I like vagendas of manocide, it comes in second...a close second admittedly.

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Pink sparkly pens now available...


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I think this person's long-lost twin lives in/near Chehalis, WA. Same kind of crap can be seen from I-5 every day....

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I hate not knowing. Kinda like when a favorite TV series is yanked without a final explanatory episode....

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[wipes tear-stained face]

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OMG, I could actually hear that in my head rappishly.


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Shouldn't it be "please please please Donna Rose"?

cuz we all know who's in charge here....

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