Who wasn't? Initially we wrote actor RPF, mostly LOTRps. We wrote a fair amount of SGA together and separately including McShep, Ronon/Rodney and Ronon/John. These days, we're back to RPF, all about that baseball slash.

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Wear your tiara with pride!

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Hello fellow Richmonder!

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Works for washing floors and windows, also, too.

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No outrage over that. Just sadness that our mental healthsystem is so broken.

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Can anyone recommend good ways to use this video "a Clockwork Orange" style on my parents?

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Oh please. Palms. They use Palms.

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What part of the world do you come from where two hetero people kissing is frowned upon?


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Lulz! I saw two young ladies walking down the street today holding hands, and I was happy. Maybe things will change sooner than I think.

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Let's be fair--people always wanted to watch The Gays make out, they just preferred to do it at home, Aline, with a,Bo's,of tissues and moisturizer handy.

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In the spirit of gay love, I present a pose I did. I call it "Lesbian Alley" because it got lesbians in it. I some times make these poses and send them to hysterical anti gay bigots because I know it upsets them. It's the "killing gays or place them in concentration camps" type of bigots I am talking about. I enjoy their anger immensely.

Some are a glutton for punishment and keeps coming back for more, so I suspect they are secretly getting off on this.


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As both I and my lodger/flatmate are obsessive-compulsive types, we've found the answer is to divide up who is in charge of which chore (aka who orders the other around on which subject).The dishwasher remains a thorny subject, tho: loading and unloading thereof, touching my cutlery (i.e. don't).Kitchen diplomacy is important!

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He he, that's the flatmate's job!(In return, I clean the lightswitches)

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