<sigh> Analysis isn't a plan...bye...


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You're clearly very unhappy here, and have posted several pages of completely off-topic commentary that has fuck-all to do with the article you're allegedly commenting on. Happily, I can help. Let me show you the door.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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You're all words and no do. You keep avoiding my question, so bye.

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Wow, did we get mentioned on the "Michael Savage Is The Bestest Smartest Man Ever" mailing list? Oh, also, you're banhammered. Bye!

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Boring troll is boring, banhammered.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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I believe you'll be happier back at Infowars. Now get along, scoot!

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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That was the BEST Grim!!

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To have to deal with fuckwits like him on a regular basis? I know... it IS sad...thank you for your sympathy.

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In lieu of payment, I am willing to accept favors of a certain nature from the editorial staff. As long as there is a golden fist involved at some point.

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thanks for the memory. Do we get to remotely skin someone alive now?

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Wrong episode. This one is from The Wish.

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Eh, my child is in a head start program and I believe that it is excellent, I volunteer 10 hours a week there and have seen firsthand how great the staff is.

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Wow, your whole post is an exercise in non-sequitur.

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MichMike is right. 'Dependency . . . always brings crime, misery, and death." I have watched my parents decline into dangerous criminality since they first accepted SocSec and Medicare. It is frightening. Dependency is insidious. I myself depend on my job, and can already feel my inner Hyde stirring.

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" Dependency, as I am sure your extensive research has shown you, always brings crime, misery, and death"

Source: MichMike's ass. Seriously, you should at least try making you lies slightly plausible if you want anyone to actually believe them.

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If the information is available, then why have you been unable to cite anywhere? Hell, you won't even link to where you say you got this "information", and that's the Heritage Foundation which is rather infamous for being a source of complete lies.

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