It takes a village

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It takes a village. For most of our existence as humans, children were not raised by their birth parents but by extended family members and others within their tribe. Parents were justly recognized as providing more generations for the community and not expected to bring their children up on their own they had other things to contribute like hunting farming, etc, that couldn't be done if all they did was raise their own children. If Hillbilly Bullshitty wants to demonize childcare but not replace it with anything practical and realistic then SURPRISE he sounds just like his Repuke colleagues who bleat constantly about what they don't like then never have a real solution to offer when asked. FUCK THE FUCK OFF AND THEN KEEP FUCKING OFF YOU TIME WASTING TURDGOGGLERS!

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"Bleat bleat bleat, words words words, I wrote something about hillbillies, blah blah blah childcare is corporate crap, why can't women raise the kids anymore? Elect me because I am a populist posuer."

Did I miss anything J.ust [Another] D.umfuck [Repuqliquan] Vance?

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When my dad let us show up at his workplace, we got to play with the neat physics teaching tools, like the turntable you could stand on to learn about angular momentum! I love that turntable.

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they could all use a bit of project management training, though...

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Same here, I work at the local public library and it was hot for a while. Dodged that bullet, thank heaven!

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At least the McGuire Sisters are still pure, right? Oh wait..

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Is that in Ohio?

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I would've started in the late 70s. The mandatory work study quarters, entailing travel around the country, also presented a challenge to the budget (tho I thought the idea was wonderful).

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Added to my To Read list, thanks! Sounds a bit like The High Cost of Low Prices or whatever that film is called - about how Mal-Wart destroyed the town of Middlefield (and elsewhere)

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I regret that I have but one upvote...

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Goody, then I'll pass and get my masters degree 😘👒👗👙👠🍑👸😘🍑🍑🍑👸👸😘

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I grew up in the microscopic state of Delaware. We also had a Middletown. I think there's an unwritten rule that every state has to have a Middletown.

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Yes, work-study is a key element in the Antioch College experience. My parents attended during the Great Depression, when jobs of any sort were rather hard to find.

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