On what planet and in what universe was Trump a successful president?

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Nice mascara, Jimmy. Is that what your daddy substitute, Donald Trump likes? How about your mommy-stand-in, the discredited Amy Chua? Better ask 'em.

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Say, what's This Week, chopped liver? You missed the incensed Palestinian student from Dearborn who says she will never forgive OHJ or vote for him again, and if he loses Michigan because of this key component, so be it: "The Democrats have to learn from short-term pain." Pardon, who will be learning what, soon to be banned worshipper of Allah? If it hits the fan, she'll be enduring long-term pain in Camp Screaming Eagle of Victory in Yuma, Arizona. Don't call it a concentration camp, that's just the Democrats' slander. But they're next.

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I find myself again falling into the Portman trap. I had Sherrod Brown, Joyce Beatty, and Rob Portman on my phone. The only thing is, I never called Brown or Beatty. Blew up Portman's voicemail all the time, because he was the one doing stupid shit.

Vance inherited both Rob Portman's office number and the trap. I have made numerous calls that basically boil down to: You were not sent to the Senate to use your position to quash any criticism of the Republican Party or its members.

I don't think he gets it.

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J.D. Vance is welcome to open a party-sized bag of salted rat dicks and eat the entire thing.

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If Tim Ryan had run as a proud Biden Democrat we wouldn't have to listen to this asshole.

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Man, if Jake Tapper manages to rouse himself from his slumber to call you out you're in trouble.

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"I mean, I can provide a list for you, if you wanted." Go Jake, LOL.

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It is so very very plausible that a sitting Senator with a large staff of people making money to keep the Senator informed about relevant issues just had no idea about the details of the Katie Cox case which has been at the top of the news for at least a week. Ayup. Totally believable you fucking fuckwad.

The "I'm not aware of how awful my party (or Trump) is" shit has to be the most pathetic response from GOP politicians going on at least 8 years.

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Can you imagine how poorly educated and low in self-respect a child would have to be, to work for Jimmy D. Vance? His paid staff must have graduated from the Heritage Foundation summer camp of left-behind interns.

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TAPPER: Well, Donald Trump was president at the time that any censorship was going on, so nobody in government — I mean, any Biden people were not — that were asking that were not in the government at the time.


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Had Trump actually won in 2020, he would be disqualified from a 2024 run. Election deniers who endorse him (and Trump himself) should be forced to choose: reality, which allows his current campaign, or the Big Lie, which emphatically disqualifies him?

How hard is this?

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Since their intellectual probity is as deep and wide as a kindergarten recess, I'd say pretty damn hard.

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The GOP has a deep bench of soulless dildos. Thiel's painted dummy is among the worst.

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Texas and Ohio are showing how they feel about their constituents’ freedoms. This woman in Texas was given the ok by a judge and Ken Paxton blocked the doctors from performing the abortion. Ohio voted for abortion to remain legal and the Republicans are disregarding their wishes. Missouri did something similar to its citizens and Obamacare. Republican voters in these states need to wake the fuck up. Glad Jake Tapper pushed back, but our media types need to be better about this and do it more often.

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He sure likes eyeliner a lot for a raging anti-LGBTQ dickwad. Maybe he goes on the telly so he can play dress-up?

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JD Vance = Hillbilly Hellogy. FIFY.

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A "Republican with a brand," ugh, thanks for giving us a five second soundbite of what the problem is. I'll be in the corner puking.

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I have been to a roundup. If we're branding Republicans, I want to be there for the squeal.

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I choked on that as well. If a person is an elected official, then that’s their brand. Full stop. Every one of those republican assholes has a vote that counts exactly the same, regardless of their Xitter statistics.

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JD Vance chats it up with Steve Bannon.

Ron Filipkowski:

JD Vance tells Steve Bannon today that people in Washington want to cut Social Security benefits to then give that money to Ukraine so Zelensky’s ministers can buy yachts.

video clip: https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1734288605751734631

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JFC on a fucking KRUTCH!

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