Once upon a time, I worked for one of the 800-lb gorillas of Beltway bandits. What had happened was, the DoD needed a massive project completed (something like: "give us software that'll perform any simulation of any kind, be it ball bearing falling in a vacuum, or a 100-tank battle"). This contract was awarded to a 20-person company. On very good terms, I might add, because the government tries to encourage small businesses this way.But since there was no way this small company could deliver, so they subcontracted the job to my company, the 800-lb gorilla. And while that's certainly counter to the spirit of encouraging small business, I don't think any of it was illegal, or even unexpected.So I wonder if something like that might be going on with Whitefish. Except for the bit about not being able to sue if the job doesn't get done. That seems Machiavellian Verizonian.

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Yes. They bring their own rubber sheets.

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Interesting. The highlighted section says they can't audit the cost and profit of labor rates. It doesn't talk about expenses. That makes me wonder how badly they are planning to screw their subcontractors.

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The HIgh Court has been spanking our conservatives pretty regularly lately...what is really amusing is that most of the politicians in question got law degrees before they went into politics, so they should KNOW better.

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And, they will be rejecting all expense reports without proper documentation. All ER's will be submitted in 30 day increments and approved by a manager.

In other words, they will be paying 70% of the expenses in 45+ days. This is a nice racket.

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How else are you gonna get a good fruit tree?

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Maybe someone who was paid a lot of money?

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OT, but one time a Tri-Axle coal truck smashed into my car and the truck owner decided that rather than turn it in to insurance he'd just pay me for my car out-of-pocket. He included a homemade "quit claim" or whatever ya call it. My attorney took one look at it and said "cash the check, throw that other thing away" Sort of like "Leave the gun, take the cannoli"

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I'm beginning to think that the public is just a money tree to be shaken by any republican campaign contributor that comes along.

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Really...this is what its come to? A big disaster hits the US and major gov't officials don't even attempt to hide the grifting? Its right out in the open. In the faces of the American people. I don't understand anymore.

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It's as though a couple guys in the back room of Fat Tony's Pool Hall read Naomi Klein and, "Hey, Stinky, I gotta idea..."Disaster Capitalism: it's not just for multinationals anymore.

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Apparently they're only one MP away from losing their majority, with some important by elections coming up.

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This is corruption that would make the Mafia green with envy.

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Not quite sure how they think a contract not signed by FEMA or the Comptroller General is supposed to limit their power of review. It's sort of written like a five year old putting a "No Moms" sign on their bedroom door. And the "You can't sue us when we take the money and run" clause is simply amazing. Who the fuck in PR signed this thing anyway? Did they even read it, or were they just paid enough to do it blindfolded?

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What I've seen that has been the most lucrative for contractors is mistakes in bid items by the State/Feds/etc. A very low estimate amount of rock to be moved by the State on one job resulted in a 15 million dollar job turn into a 25 million dollar job when it was all said and done.

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That pretty explains everything that is horrible right now.

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