"THEY'RE EATING THE LAMB!" Oh wait. That's a thing.

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I have to wonder if Scout himself is behind this smear campaign. Some dogs do get pretty ticked off when their humans pat other dogs.

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He grabbed them by the doggy!!!

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"tuna-noodle hot dish"

"Tuna-noodle casserole" in Michigan. In all my years as a Michigander (birth-19), I never heard anything called a "hot-dish."

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It's hot dish in Minnesota.

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I have a hard time believing any truly “undecided” voter, a species which must be rare these days, is making choices based on crap like this. Walz served for 24 years, voluntarily, in the Army National Guard. But the GOP feel his retirement came too early, and that his life should have been in jeopardy oversees for his quarter century of service to have meaning. It’s absurd. Now, his dog is mentioned in a photo at a park with a different dog in the picture. Are people competent enough to vote really thinking, “Trump is a liar and a conman who assaults women and is running to avoid prison, but I have questions about Tim Walz’ dog.” If so, this demographic is hopeless anyway. Because however true or false or relevant or absurd the info they are consuming may be, these are voters who aren’t making a thoughtful, principled choice anyway.

If Walz is confronted with a real controversy, he might need to address it. Until then, the GOP will use desperate, pathetic tactics to create scandal where there is none. Trump is a dumpster fire of scandal and a truly vile human being. Walz is a folksy football coach and family man who has made service a central part of his life. Watching the Republican Party try to attack decent people on trivialities and misdirection is petty, ugly and revealing.

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I talked to a lady yesterday, asking, don't you think it's about time for a woman as President? She prevaricated for the stupidest of reasons. "I don't want my military son sent to the border." Lady, that's against the Constitution but one guy would absolutely do that. Ugh how can people say, "Well, I just don't know about her, maybe she'd be bad at it."

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Tim Walz once was asked by a waitress, "are you still working on that?" and answered "yes", but didn't actually eat any more of his sandwich.

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Tim Walz said he'd "just be a sec," but was actually TWO WHOLE MINUTES.

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The only thing I have to say is that the caption on the lamb photo of “lamb!” Is more evidence that Tim Walz is your dad.

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Tim Walz said it was 10 minutes to the nearest gas station, but it took me 11 minutes and two seconds. OUTRAGEOUS.

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Tim Walz said his neighbor could borrow his lawn mower, but instead he mowed his neighbor's lawn. What else is Walz lying about?

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What next, that he removed the tag from his mattress?

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Tim Walz is a cannibal!

At a Mankato Hy-vee grilling contest he shared a recipe for a hu-burger apparently made from a young woman named Lucy. The cooking technique rendered her flesh especially “juicy”.

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I miss Matt's. And it's "Jucy" not "Juicy".

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I’m only reporting what I saw in a Tik-Tok with an animated sexy George Washington that sounded weirdly like Dinesh D’Souza.

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Tuna-noodle hot dish? UGH! The man is not fit for office!

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If George Santos had run as a Democrat, he never would have made it into Congress.

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The lamb is jealous that Tim Walz is cuter than them.

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The MAGA Party gets nuttier everyday. so what's new?

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