Ugh, I didn't even get that far before I couldn't stomach it anymore, but I read alot of the random responses from George. Poor George, all he did was laugh and point at these people and they are threatening him?

Your beliefs are definitely strong and well thought out when anyone questioning them is a threat, right? These are also definitely the people who should be carrying concealed weapons, what with their ability to discern legitimate threats to their lives and family from imagined ones.

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it's a graphic of the evolution of the tea party

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Yeah I saw <a href="http://www.intensedebate.co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.intensedebate.com/users/6049178">http://www.intensedebate.co... comment on that, holy hell how insecure in your beliefs do you have to be to threaten to come after someone for pointing and laughing at them?

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I am Spartacus because, in between writing hysterically reactionary political rants, I spend my spare time trying to take over the Hugo Awards and calling every science fiction fan who disagrees with my politics cultural Marxist Nazi Commies who are plotting to send me and mine to a concentration camp for wrongfen.

Truly, Sarah Hoyt is a gift that keeps on giving.

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Sarah Hoyt has been known to wax publicly rhapsodic about the Estado Novo regime in her native Portugal and occasionally claims that her family was run out on a rail by Marxist revolutionaries.

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Good to see your font!

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She actually said "because Fast and Furious" ??!? I thought the "because without the preposition" was a Wonkettism.

And which "Fast and Furious" btw? Although they were all immersed in derpitude, the third one was especially, really, really bad.

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"Spartacus" the gheyest movie ever? Not while "Top Gun" still exists, Maverick-zilla!

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"I am Spartacus because I have two sons and might have grandchildren, but it's hard to tell because those worthless cholos chase anything in a skirt and never call me anymore."

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Fairy 'Cross the Mersey?

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"Christ, what an imagination I've got".

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Whats particularly weird though is she quoted from his Lazarus Long compilation Time Enough for Love, which was from after he wrote Stranger in a Strange Land and generally started exploring a lot more...adult themes in his books. It all culminates in To Sail Beyond The Sunset, which is just fucking bonkers in every respect-the short version is that Lazarus Long's mom lives forever, has sex with everyone.

This is not to say you are wrong, alot of his early works are novelized versions of the stuff he used to write for teen SF mags, like alot of SF writers of his generation, and he even wrote some of that into the 60s and 70s, but yeah this particular quote not from those.

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Fuck, I made the mistake of actually looking at the comments on that post. Holy fuck those people are completely batshit insane.

Its like, intellectually you know these people exist, just like horrific traffic accidents. Then you actually drive by one and are still somehow stunned by how awful it was.

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She seems nice.

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I am Specious!

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Pretty good summation. The worst part is, they're absolutely convinced of their own superiority despite the fact that they're whacked out of their minds and more often than not quite dumb to boot. I like how they all gang up and ridicule the lone voice in the wilderness named George when he is in fact the only one there who makes a lick of sense

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