I would draw the line at the rejection of empirical evidence in favor of "it's this way because my preferred interpretation of my preferred version of my preferred religious book says it is and shut up that's why"

So, for example, anyone using A Beka books.

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Yeah, it's all about the three letters, not the seventy years and attendant fundamental restructuring of the state and how it relates to its neighbors.

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<blockquote>be made to reduce their brainwashing sessions to after-school and weekends.</blockquote>

I don't think it's the reduced time they're concerned about, it's having to compete with an education designed to promote independent thought and value and empirical evidence and logic. That tends to make it harder to convince the kid that "because God said so, and I know He did because it's in this book and the book says it's God's word" is a viable argument for believing something that is contradictory to everything she's ever experienced.

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Probably are aware of the <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2013\/05\/14\/federal-officials-accuse-chiropractors-of-forcing-scientology-on-staffers\/" target="_blank">chiropractor/Scientology</a> link.

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If you believe the Iranian govermnment, which I, nor anyone else with a brain, does. No "fixed it for you" just simply, "fuck you"

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Well, they'll have to choose between sending the kids to public schools and keeping custody, on the one hand, or taking a brave stand for derp and refusing to send the kids to public schools, causing the state to take the kids and send them to public schools.

Obviously, this is a no brainer for people with no brains - the latter is the only course!

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On the flipside, preventing children from acquiring an adequate education is a violation of the child's rights.

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I found this on the Internets so I knows it is true!

Michael "Farris was featured on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360° on December 7, 2012 as a leading opponent of U.S. ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, modeled after the Americans with Disabilities Act. The treaty, already ratified by 126 countries, encourages other nations to give people with disabilities the same protections they have in the United States." <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Farris">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

What is it they say about Karma?

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Wiki says that parents have been thrown in jail for refusing to enroll their kids.

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<blockquote>I would probably call this a human rights violation</blockquote>

The European Court of Human Rights <a href="http:\/\/hudoc.echr.coe.int\/sites\/eng\/pages\/search.aspx\?i=001-76925" target="_blank">disagrees</a>.

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Teaching creationism is suppressing independent thought. It's <em>not</em> "a simple belief", it's the active rejection of an overwhelming mountain of empirical evidence in favor of the unthinking embrace of a shoddy translation of the words of some bronze age priests.

The reason that it gets "fuzzy" is precisely because the religious parents believe to their cores that their children are their property, and that their right to have their children believe exactly the same impossible nonsense that they do trumps the child's right to be properly educated.

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It's worth bearing in mind as well that German law protects parents' rights to exclude their children from any religious instruction with which they disagree. So these parents are demanding the right to exclude their children from <em>non</em>-religious classes and/or have the State provide instruction in the exact small-minority interpretation of the Bible the parents prefer.

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i seem to recall a couple of Iranian children (13 or so) who were put to death for being homo not too long ago, they weren't granted any asylum if I recall

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Need a nice time post ... too much stupid already. Oh, and fuck these people

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It would be much easier for them to move to another EU country, no special permission would be required, and I assume that at least one of the other EU countries will allow homeschooling.

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