Of course. A guy who writes speeches and executive orders for Trump would never lie.

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ISWYODT. Clever.

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No. But it might qualify as a "high crime or misdemeanor".

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Good thing they all have color TVs and cable. Otherwise they might never find out what the fuck is happeining.

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To be fair, the tan suit was pretty ugly, even to completely-fashion-oblivious me.

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"Lord Dampnut’s (it’s an anagram!)."

/\ Required reading /\

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I know this is really, really hard to believe, with my being such a libtard dick and all (actually I think of myself as pretty conservative in some ways, but all that proves is that I'm truly delusional), and yet I would not much like it if dangerous terrorists tortured, raped and killed us all, then forced Sharia law on us.But there is bugger-all danger that Islamic extremists will achieve that either in the U.S.A. or Australia. Both countries are still overwhelmingly Christian and white in their orientation and demography, and would fight any such outcome if it even looked like approaching. There is far greater danger of a whackjob Christian fundamentalist regime coming to power, because that trend is established and has a lot of grassroots support, much of it dedicated. And Trump is pandering to it like mad.Check out that old short novel by Robert A. Heinlein, IF THIS GOES ON -- , about a future, as he said himself, "crude and ridiculous religious dictatorship" that comes about in the U.S.A. Some people think he took leave of his judgement later, with novels like I WILL FEAR NO EVIL, but clearly, when he wrote IF THIS GOES ON -- , he still had a firm grip.

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Putin must be so angry that his private, sexytime conversations with Trump are at-risk of being hacked by Chinese spies.

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As good old Joe Biden would say, contempt of court from the Whitehouse is a big fucking deal. They don't call this sort of thing a constitutional crisis for nothing.

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Tan Dumplord is also appropriate. Credits go to Colbert for that one.

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Lout Runs Dump. You're welcome, America.ETA: Sorry, remembered that wrong -- it's Dolt Ran Dump.ETA2: Damn that one's got two Ds in it. It's a shame, this slow, horrible decay of my mental capacity. Thanks, Trump!ETA3: Good gravy, there are two Ds in Donald, so that actually is a valid anagram. Apparently the harm is irreversible and the patient should just be made as comfortable as possible. I recommend weed, hoppy ale and Miles Davis albums.

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It's not the intolerance they hate so much as that it's someone else's intolerance.

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Link? Because I soooo need to post that on FB.

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Good. Please help us vote out Kevin O'Leary and Kellie Leitch.

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Then again, if you asked me 2 years ago if we'd have President Trump...

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Kennedy, Roberts, looking at you.

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