It is true.

I refuse to go see any of the movies with nude Breitbarts in them.

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This movie features dicks, assholes, fucksticks, cockbuckets, and shitstains.

How in the world did they think it would get rated PG-13?

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Merchandising and marketing opportunity!

For all the churches who won't use their busses to go see an R-rated movie, sell earmuffs loaded with an alternative, not potentially offensive soundtrack. (<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=6RGcb7alSk0" target="_blank">"Our God is an Awesome God" </a>punctuated with subliminal "Don't vote for black people" on continuous loop)

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Deader than Breitbart.

Oh, wait...

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Imma guess that's the "delay in release".

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They'll have to wait for the fast-food tie-in.

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My understanding is that "fuck" becomes R rating material if it is referring to actual sexual intercourse rather than if it is used as a swear word. So possibly there is reference to sexual activity regarding Breitbart. Which is a perfectly good reason to stay home watching Phineas and Ferb.

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They forced us to put a black bar over that fuck whenever he was on screen.

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Rated "R" for: HE'S DEAD!!!

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I think maybe the R rating had nothing to do with all the fucks in the movie, or with the lack of fucks that most people give about it.

I think it is a result of the huge, steaming pile of bullshit that is the central premise of the entire movie.

The MPAA is just trying to shield our children from a lethal dose of lies.

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Oh sure, you can claim that bestiality isn't sex, but that doesn't make it so. Children must be protected from that kind of thing.

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I don't need a movie to teach me how to hate Breitbart.

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Elsewhere, Tucker Carlson got his bowtie all in a knot because the mainstream media refuses to take "The Daily Caller" exposes seriously...

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Take off you blinders! Everybody know that Bamz had him killed. Probably because he was on the trail of the "Whitey" tape...

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I'm sure the One Million Moms will call for a boycott. They object to Urban Outfitters T-shirts that say "Spooning Can Lead to Forking", noting "Sadly, [that] isn't far from the truth."

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