My transgendered son, to whom I read swaths of the Potter books on cross country trips when he was young, will be crushed. I’ll call him tonight.

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It’s the health care system that contracts them ,actually. The providers are typically paid an agreed rate for relative value units (RVUs); the only way they make more is by billing more hours.

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For an amnio, I had an in-network doctor, I made sure it was an in-network facility, and that it would go to an in-network lab. I got screwed because my appointment was later in the day and apparently my lab's last pickup had come and gone, and amniotic fluid is perishable, so I got charged for out-of-network lab transportation. JHFC.

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I hope that someone here in Wonkland will let us know who will run to primary this jerk so that we can send $$$.

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Oh, it's not like I ever updated in PS...which I barely know how to use.

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"And wouldn't you know it, Neal has received hefty campaign donations from a private equity group that would prefer not to see hospitals make smaller profits."

There's our culprit. Private equity. And the rotten political prostitutes who service private equity, like Neal.


Several great articles about this problem (and about M4A) on this site. Just put keywords in the searchbar there.

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Another problem is the explosion of MBA middlemen (most without medical qualifications) who have infiltrated our healthcare system.

"Thus from 1983 to 2000, the number of managers working in the US health care system grew 726%, while the number of physicians grew 39%, so the manager/physician ratio went from roughly one to six to one to one. As we noted here, the growth continued, so there are now 10 managers for every US physician."


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I wonder how many more of the CONgress critters are just like him? I know all of the GOP are. Don't know how many Dems though.

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Gosh! What a 'surprise!' /s

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I have disgusting Tom McButtcrack (McClintock). Can't stand him. The GOP in my red county keeps voting him in again and again, despite their whining editorials in the newspaper about how they hate him too.

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What a load of crap that you're dealing w/this nonsense. In NO OTHER "industrialized" country would this be a thing that they would even credit with being true. Good luck!

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"We don't drink, We don't smoke, Norfolk, Norfolk, Norfolk!!" All bad jokes aside, it is totally ridiculous, and leaves patients (once again) floundering just when they need clarity the most.

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Instead, they went to the mattresses.

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She nailed it in four words.

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The only person to star in an Oreos commercial to be impeached.

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It is a terrible system. As a cancer survivor, I only had to deal with ambulance companies once. It's a long (boring?) story; they wanted to take me to the local chop shop, I needed to go to my actual factual doctors, and not just because they were friendly faces. I was in the middle of a course of care that didn't need to be re-started again at a different hospital's emergency room. Everybody meant well, but FFS.(The bill was astronomical!!)

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