"I think John made a mistake, he owned up to his mistake, he accepted responsibility and he entered a guilty plea," said Rabago's attorney Megan Kau."This is not something happening on a day-to-day basis in the police force."

Asking for ketchup on a hamburger and not getting it is a "mistake." Apparently it's also when a cop forces someone to lick a urinal because lawnorder.

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Its not low paid. Cops have some of the best unions out there. There are way more dangerous jobs with lower pay and little to no benefits. Plus cops can retire much younger than most of us. Which is fine. I don't begrudge them having good jobs. I begrudge them having good jobs, acting like no one has ever had it tougher, and then mistreating far less powerful people for funzies.

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Duke libels!

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That's gonna be an ACAB for me.

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If only the homeless were victims of a terrorist attack. They’d be held up as precious Americans and showered with money. Frankly, the idea of being homeless is more terrifying to me than any commiesocialislamofascist underwear bomber.

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Weird how it's all an honest mistake and youthful hijinks when it's a badge doing it to someone powerless to stop them. When it's someone doing it to a cop it's "throw the fucking book at them."

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I just wonder who leaked the story

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I hear ya there. I want to trust and respect police, but their culture and behavior guarantees I can't.

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I truly hope that one does not suffer retaliation from his fellow officers

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How the fuck can be cruel like this to someone be chalked up as a mistake?

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Um, you're not fooling anyone? (sorry)

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The average length of police training in the US is 21 weeks of classroom instruction and 13 weeks’ field training, a total of 34 weeks. In civilized countries, police training can as long as two or three years. And guess what. They just don’t shoot as many of their people, though it’s hard to compare because it seems no one bothers to count how many people our police shoot every year, but I’m sure it’s a lot. No word on how many people are forced to lick urinals in our country or theirs.


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Fuck the pigs.

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this gentleman was willing to give up his career to protest a wrong. Is our GOP learning?

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