Vitaly Milonov is a member of regional Parliament in St Petersburg -- the Russian one, not the Florida one -- and he does not like The Gays, not one little bit.
Waitaminnit... are we sure that&#039;s a <i>Russian</i> bearded, red-haired, racist, anti-semitic, homophobic asshole, and not our own Chuckles C. Johnson?
I give him...2 1/2 Santorums.
<i>St Petersburg &mdash; the Russian one, not the Florida one<i>
I keep forgetting ... which one is the stupid, homophobic one?</i></i>
Alien probing?
Overdosed on European values? Is that what the kids are doing these days? Science almighty, I&#039;m getting behind the times.
Nudge nudge, wink wink.
That picture Aeroflots my boat!
Waitaminnit... are we sure that&#039;s a <i>Russian</i> bearded, red-haired, racist, anti-semitic, homophobic asshole, and not our own Chuckles C. Johnson?