Is there anything about pissing, caca, and hot everybody-on-everybody action?

I just wonder because maybe God is the German porn industry?

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Ms. Gnome worked as a freelance public accountant. She much preferred the client who wanted her to disguise his mistress's housing expenses as business expenses (she wouldn't) than the evangelical, family-owned business. The holy rollers were quite willing to do anything legal (no thought to whether or not it was ethical or moral) to squeeze another penny out of their customers. The attitude was that they could ask Jesus for forgiveness as soon as the check cleared.

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Ms. Gnome now runs an online handmade jewelry business. She was looking for this one item for a piece she wanted to make, and she couldn't get it from any of her wholesale suppliers. Desperate, she tried buying locally retail. Michael's didn't have it, and neither did Joann's. As a last-ditch attempt, we went to Hobby Lobby. I hadn't been in one of those places in years. The religiosity and patriotism that permeates that place bordered on the creepy.

I imagine every right-wing woman who shops there orgasms as soon as she walks through the door.

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It appears to be the only thing missing.

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Keep going, because tattoos are right out in that same section.

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The Heritage Foundation and other conservative groups have been working hard since the 80s to pack the courts with judges they approve of. There's also been bullshit like Senate judiciary confirmations being ground down almost to a halt during Obama's presidency once Republicans took over the Senate (cause they control federal appointments). And once Trump got in, McConnell opened the flood gates to as many as their people as possible. They've also been responsible for training and indoctrinating the judges themselves.

It is glaringly corrupt. It's not supposed to be that way. In schools it's taught that it's all neutral (when the branches of government are taught at all, so maybe a week in high school social studies). But there are no safeguards for the conservative takeover of every system in US politics since the 80s. Anyone who could have stopped it when it was new didn't. I'm sure it helped that they had millionaires and multimillionaires on that side who were willing to spend the money to being multimillionaires and billionaires. US democracy right now is nothing to be proud of.

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You're right. I'll say that those asshats need to know themselves. In the biblical sense. And with votes.

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If Jesus went to a gay wedding, he'd give a toast.

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Evergreen TMW cartoon. Hopefully someday it can be relegated to a quaint curiosity. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I strongly suspect that the typical anti-SSM group like the Thomas More Law Center is scamming the objecting vendors by giving them a false sense of their own importance. If you're hired to take photos of a wedding, or make a wedding cake, you're not a participant but simply a vendor providing a paid service. Before same-sex marriage, no one ever claimed that the person with the camera or the spatula was endorsing the union, and still today no one cares what the person thinks of the match.

And then there's the fact that a business has no religious conscience of its own, and its owner's conscience is not the same thing, and that a business isn't entitled to discriminate. If there genuinely are business owners who cannot in good conscience provide a paid service for a same-sex wedding, the obvious solution is to not offer services for weddings at all.

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I have video proof that you can have them delivered....

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Jesus Christ on a penny-farthing, these people are despicable. It's enough to make we want to believe in a big, musclebound, black, gay, Jesus to come back and smite the shit out of these fuckers.

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....and turn a boatload of water into wine, because...Jesus.

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