That's disturbing, on a few levels. As a whetter of apetite, I can't see it working terribly well -- not even in France.

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As a conservatard, Brucie has to buy into "abstinence before marriage", and the GOPpers aren't about to let him get married, so he's just shit out of luck.

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Actually true, when pretty much everybody else like you even less.

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walk off.

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It means the guy is just another right-wing asshole.

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you said wood, heh

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mebe that pic was taken right before Demi dropped him out of an airplane...

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apparently denouncing bullying and preaching tolerance are hate speech, while sucking up to rich bigots and homophobes is A-OK

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Jews for Hitler!

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apparently Lance was busy that day...

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Too bad John Waters is dead. I'm sure he'd have something to say about this...

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Dave Chappelle's Black Klansman is soon to announce.

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The equally self-loathing.

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