Dude, my GF's upstairs neighbor has the same issue. Plus a grandfather clock, for some fucking reason

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"Aggressive affection aficianados" ?

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don't rape, people!!

as a rape person, i tots agree with this.

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I assume that somewhere in the Old Testament, somebody got away with raping somebody, and God was all like "eh, whatever."

In other words, yes.

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Pretty devastating that we've reached the point where someone can see the <a href="http:\/\/yesmeansyesblog.wordpress.com\/2009\/11\/12\/meet-the-predators\/" target="_blank">research</a> suggesting 4-8% of the population are repeat rapists and call it a "relatively small group".

But the conclusion is on point:

<blockquote>We need to spot the rapists, and we need to shut down the social structures that give them a license to operate.</blockquote>

Which is why <a href="http:\/\/www.mencanstoprape.org\/" target="_blank">men can stop rape</a>.

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Nothing will equal me getting pissed off (literally, really) at our young new cat for literally peeing on my duvet AS I SLEPT UNDER IT. Just a couple of weeks ago.

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When is Men's Day? The correct answer is, every day is Men's Day.

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It is. Thanks for the tip.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.ebaumsworld.com\/video\/watch\/841588\/" target="_blank">Oh really</a>

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To be fair, we are responsible for Justin Bieber. So there's that.

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I made a mistake and went to her facebook page. What an assemblage of goons.

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Ugh *shudder* still hung over...

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As someone who regularly reads Pandagon, I can't say I'm in the least surprised, sadly.

As Amanda has to point out frequently, the only way you can understand this kind of response is to accept that there's a bunch of men out there who enjoy raping women, and don't want to stop being able to do it and get away with it.

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That must be the whitest parade in America.

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Or a cattle prod. Lube is optional.

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