Different folks, different strokes.

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Tiptoe through the tulips, through the ...KER-BOOM!

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Or "Jerkin' your gherkin sounded sexy."

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Abstinence makes the hard go longer.

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They look - - disturbingly happy.

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Conservatives use the roundabout thinking that Planned Parenthood would encourage unplanned pregnancies so that teens would need abortions, so that PP could harvest the fetuses and sell them.

Typical conservative sociopath thinking and projection.

Sorry repugs, not everyone uses your conservative business model of 'fuck people over for money, no matter how much damage it does, because only what I want matters, and I want all the monies, so tough shit.'

Some people are actually in the world to undo the damage you ass berets cause. Planned parenthood is full of people like that.

What a fucktard.

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What a fool. The "ignorance" is how you protect teens from having sex, and all that comes with it, is a proven failure.

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Guess it wasn't enough to sound like a complete imbecile, he had to show us, to make certain.

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Apparently he was never a teenager.

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Jebus's nickname in high school was Prince o' Piece!

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It seems that I misspelled her name: it should have been Kortney.http://blogasnoruscom.ipage...

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What's wrong with the PP offices in Michigan? Don't they buy penile models for their sex educators? I feel totally spoiled now, I never had to use a vegetable for a class demonstration.

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Just one minute - are you trying to sucker us? Is that a cucumber, or is it... A ZUCHINI?


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"The failure rate obviously tells you there is not safe sex except saved sex." Tell that to Josh Duggar's wife who probably has STD's now that Joshy-boy brought home from his not-wife-sex partners.

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Condoms don't come in extra small size (except for that time, 13 years ago, when PPFA had the brilliant idea to buy our condoms from India, they were tiny and kept on ripping, they had to be recalled)

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