Oh, yeah, they are very rich. My point was these people are utterly despicable - even though they can more then afford it, they still stick the taxpayers with the bill for "rehabilitating" their own son. But I guess that is what the wealthy do.

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Oh come on! She obviously felt overwhelming guilt over commiting the not-a--crime of (gasp!) "sassing" the police. (wow I didn't even know I could roll my eyes that hard.)

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Plus you have a group of people dedicated to protecting you from those "extra" problems (like an over-indulgent mommy. And dumb-ass poorz working against their own interest.)

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Rich enough so that their son gets probation for killing four people.

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I heard last night he is getting no privileges in jail either. That's good because he probably would have been asking for conjugal visits with his mommy.

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Why else did they run off to Mexico together?

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Oh ffs. I'm sure exactly what the army wanted...

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Hell, run over a bicyclist or pedestrian anywhere and you'll get away with murder and no jail time. Hell, the cops probably won't even look twice...

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The kindest thing you can do for a child is give them clear firm boundaries to help them guide their behavior. Tanya Couch obviously loves herself much more than she does her son. While the family is unfucking believable, the Texas judicial system is even more unfucking believable. How many innocent people are in jail because they are poor and could not afford a lawyer? How many innocent people have been put to death from racism and corruption in the DA's office and judicial chambers?

And this obviously guilty murderous callous fuck and his sobbing slobbering incestuous mother are slapped on the wrist because the judicial system did not want to ruin their lives.

United Fucking States of Fucking Stupid

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The richer you are, the less you pay for.

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They could've charged him with far worse, though. There is a range of charges available. They gave him the least severe charge possible.

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As I understand it, the State of Pennsylvania ran a kind of experiment in which the first time the police were called to a domestic dispute, the perpetrator was immediately arrested and the DA sought the stiffest possible penalty. The findings were that there was much less recidivism when the stiffest penalty was given on the first charge.

Yes, this kid could've straightened himself up, if he ever thought he would be held accountable for his behavior.

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While I would be loathe to ever advocate prison violence, I have a feeling that having his fellow inmates beat the shit out of this guy is going to become a regular activity around the cellblock.

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Or if his parents gave a shit about how he developed, which they obviously didn't. In general, I'm on Team Nurture, mostly.

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Please tell me where this wonderful justice system has been implemented and proven to work. I know of no justice system where the rich aren't gifted with undeserved advantages, and the poor aren't unfairly penalized through lack of financial influence.

Also, too, please show me a working penitentiary system where actual rehabilitation instead of mere punishment is being dispersed.

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"Please tell me where this wonderful justice system has been implemented and proven to work."Uh. Norway, maybe? I won't hold my breath waiting for it to happen in the USA. It'd be nice though. :/

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