The eyes have it!

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The leather flight suit was sort of a "look the other way" thing. Nobody I know was expected to give it up at the end. All of our flight gear was issued. I'm thankful for that because I cannot imagine what that helmet cost. Realistically the goatskin leather jacket serves no purpose aside from hanging on to tradition. It's not particularly warm.

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That is jingle-tastic!!Very catchy!

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Of course she did.What an AWFUL place!!

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The Democrats are trying to overturn the Supreme Court’s West Virginia vs. EPA victory."

Yes, the Supreme Court is now engaged in scoring "victories". (Deciding cases based on Constitutional principles? Bo-ring!)

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She's real fine/My 220 volt line.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, what a pathetic, whiny-ass WANKER. Ain't nobody ever going to confuse you with Tom Cruise, DeathSentence.


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Republicants are busy shoving that under the rug and to my mind Dems are entirely too slow in stopping those shenanigans and shouting


We need to remember at all times -- even as we juggle several plates in the air and make sure our voter registrations stay current and get to the polls / file our absentee ballots and help everyone else to vote -- that when it comes ot these bad faith Republicants, they are NOT in office to govern other than to pass tax cuts for the wealthiest and shift as much public wealth into their own coffers as they can.

We are in a PROPAGANDA war with them, not a POLICY war.

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It is indeed.

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Next week... Suuuperman cosplay! https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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Ta, Dok.

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BTW, ever find those raspberry pis?

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Yay! The air in New England is cleaner bc of less coal burning in your region. Less acid rain, also.

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Funny, that. I drive by it fairly frequently.

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OT, horrifying:https://mobile.twitter.com/...

Just as a reminder, Jeanine hasn't been a judge since 1993. She started being a judge in 1991.

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“Freedom Headquarters.”

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