Needz moar <a href="https:\/\/screen.yahoo.com\/weekend-thursday-suze-orman-000000864.html" target="_blank">Kristen Wiig!</a>

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They all smell like roses compared a Bush.

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In the first nine presidential elections that I voted in I really wanted to elect McGovern, McCarthy, Kennedy, Jackson, Hart, Tsongas, Kucinich, Kucinich and Dean. I finally got my wish in my tenth and eleventh.

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I don't know, I always associated Hillary with high grade industrial diamond grit and stainless steel. Something that cuts through solid rock and petrified hierarchies and moves mountains. One that cannot be worn down. I see Elizabeth Warren as an entirely new phenomenon, a superpowered laser that doesn't merely cut through the political detritus, but vaporizes it with unimaginable precision. The Republican Party is the one driving/pushing the junkers. They keep cranking out one lemon after another.

The stuff that is hanging in the air, the scent that everyone is beginning to notice, is the dust from a centuries-old structure that is in the process of being dismantled.

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It is a popular notion that depression is caused by a certain mindset, a negative outlook, or personal weakness. Mental health professionals however have known for quite some time now (20-30 years or more) that the mechanism is physical, that it involves subcellular-level processes within the brain. So yes, it is well-recognized that depression is a physical disease and that breakthrough was made decades ago. There are a number of effective treatments for it, including at least 20 different medications that have been shown to be effective. The best results are usually obtained via a combination of medication and counseling. General knowledge about this is quite widespread within the medical community. Unfortunately there is a minority of people with depression who do not seem to gain lasting relief from any of the available treatments.

I am sorry about your friend. The commonplace, popular notions regarding depression do not reflect the actual body of knowledge about this disease. More accurate and up to date information can be obtained by consulting professional resources.

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Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Clinton. or Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Bush. or Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Warren.

I see beauty in randomness or the drugs have kicked in..

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So Hillary has a funny smell? What a coincidence! Democratic pollster Doug Schoen is a douche ...

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The 2016 Populist Motors Warren: a no nonsense alternative to derp guzzling or triangulating models. Drive one down Wall Street or Main Street today!

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Yeah I was about to post the same thing, as much as I think Rice deserves to be punished this has as much to do with Goodell and his incredible mishandling of the case as anything else.

I also think that perhaps instead of suspending Ray forever, we should allow him to continue playing, but all of his game checks get deposited in a trust for which his wife is the only beneficiary. Just a thought.

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In sports, everyone gets redemption except Shoeless Joe and Charlie Hustle.

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But you repeat yourself.

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4-6 games would have been in line with past practice, and probably would have been "acceptable" as suspensions go for sportsballers (not acceptable for the rest of society but you take what you can get sometimes). Plus donation of his game checks for those suspended games to domestic violence causes, and clear notice any further conduct of this nature would result in indefinite suspension.

It was the whole "well you lied, and even though we are not going to explain how you lied we're jacking you up from 2 games to indefinite" that soured the whole mess. You only get *one* bite at the apple, fellas.

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Hmm. To me she seems like a cash-sucking twit, but I'll admit that her "advice" isn't terribly toxic.

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Oh, screw off.

I think the judge was about right on the double jeopardy part. I also think Rice has probably had about enough employment restriction (although I would have preferred to see it be an entire season). I WISH that he had spent some time in jail, but this would have required Janay to press charges, and you cannot force people to do that.

Nevertheless, it is possible to hold a position on this clusterfuck without "caring" about Janay or Babby Rice. The appropriate stance is "how do we discourage others from committing the same mistakes?", not "Oooh, she thought she married a millionaire".

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So, you're saying Morning Joe is a shitheaded asshole?

Is it also a day ending in "Y"?

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Season. 16 games.

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