I'm sure he asks himself that question quite often.

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I do wonder if I was just crazy, or if other people were, when it was totally clear that Obama wasn't a hippy peacenik, just not an insane warmonger like McCain, who would have had us nuking Iran, invading Egypt, and lobbing missiles at North Korea before Libya was even a consideration.

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Barack Obama, Glenn Beck, and Ed Shultz are sitting in a boat with the Pope. The Pope's hat blows off. Glenn tries to grab the hat, but misses it. Ed tries to grab the hat and misses it. The hat lands in the water, so Obama gets out of the boat, walks across the water, and gets the Pope's hat back. The next day on TV, Ed wants to know why Obama didn't just buy the Pope a new hat and Glenn is accusing Obama of not being able to swim.

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Precisely, poncho. As I said, I don't think anyone has a problem with Ken criticizing Obama. I'd criticize Obama over the union thing (I think he was right to keep a low profile over Wisconsin because that's just what the Repubs would have wanted, but he could be more forceful about supporting unions in general) or gay marriage (stop hedging and hawing about civil unions and just say gay people can get married!), to take just two instances. It's just that Ken and some others seem to think Obama has done not one good thing as president. I'm just as frustrated when I hear that sort of sentiment coming from the left as when it comes from the right; heck, I'm more so because they should "know better."

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Indeed, as some Irish queen once said, it's very important!

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Here, here. Wonkette should snark on all and sundry! And I don't want us all to cheer Obama as he drinks the blood of brown babies or whatever just because he's "ours." Let's be honest, he has a lot of Brownz to go before he approaches Bush, and even if he did, "just like Bush" is still kind of a stretch when you take his whole administration into consideration.

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Projection? from a Breitbot? HELL YES!

That is kind of the best thing ever: not only are the Breitbags just plain dicks, but their dogma actually REQUIRES THEM to be apologists for horrible shitgoblins on the order of George W, and Sarah Lou T.

I'm thinking that kind of craven bungsmoochery has to hurt their tattered pride/jizzrags, just a little.

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Just for the record, Ken, I, at least, am never pissed off when you criticize Obama. There's plenty to criticize, and it's a free country (for now), blah, blah, blah. I think some of us just don't agree that he's been a "dismal failure." As disappointing as he's been in some areas, I think overall he's done what he said he'd do to within the best of his abilities. It's not really his fault that half the country decided they'd rather go total batshit rather than deal with reality.

And, I guess, at base, and maybe it's just more vile partisan tribalism, I truly believe he's a smart man doing the best he can as the world burns around him, and that we couldn't have really done any better at this moment, which may itself be a terribly sad statement, but is what it is.

I never took you for a writer who needed his readers to slobber all over his cock and agree with everything he says, but maybe the desert has changed you.

Pfew! So earnest! I feel a bit ashamed now. TruckNutz?

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Good news everyone! the cost of war is going down!

"Tomahawk cruise missiles would cost less than $575,000 each, half the estimated cost of $1.1 - 1.4 million for the currently planned Block IV model. "

From: <a href="http://www.fas.org/man/dod-..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/smart/bgm-109....">http://www.fas.org/man/dod-...

Ahhh shit, this is just not funny no matter how yo spin it.

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i'm pretty sure twinkies aren't going away.

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