Fish? Bicycle?

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Not hard to guess, being the offspring of a dingbat.

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Of course she's on the slut-shaming train. After all, if those nasty little snipes would keep their legs closed then of course her fine sons would have their choice of brides.

Can we put her in a room with Matt Barber and let them see who is the true leader of the Tight-Ass club?

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Hey! Don't insult poor Consuela! She did her best.

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so basically the younger son can't get laid at college without mommy shilling for him...

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as Henny Youngman said

Take a wife... please

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"I am the mother of two sons who are both Princetonians. My older son had the good judgment and great fortune to marry a classmate of his, but he could have married anyone."

I could have married any woman I pleased.

I just didn't please any of them.

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In Kennebunkport. ME.

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I didn't get any sleep last night. This woman kept banging on my hotel room door.

I finally had to let her out.

~ Henny Youngman

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