In this age, Rubin's dishonest hackery is something a rational person could believe might further their objectives, because media figures are never punished for being wrong, no matter how profoundly wrong, and people writing under the guise of commentary are never punished for partisanship, no matter how nakedly mendacious their shilling. Rubin's not crazy, she's just an ineffective political operative with no apparent talent for writing but still getting paid good money for it.

Geller, on the other hand, is completely guano loco.

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Kirsten and Kyrsten libel!

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I was quite amused when, after it became abundantly clear that the Republicans were certainly unable and almost certainly unwilling to prevent at least some rates increasing in the cliff fight, Norquist announced that this was OK it wasn't a tax hike because the bill they passed only lowered rates from what they would have been if the bill didn't pass. While this was a totally reasonable interpretation, it was one he'd explicitly rejected on many previous occasions. But the volte-face allows him to build a (transparent and flimsy, to anyone who paid attention) case that he was not disobeyed and his pledge still has any meaning.

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Only because she sits down to pee.

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"Jihad" is more acccurate, and vastly more fun to use.

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Would that use up all of your racial entitlements?

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That is a fantastic read. Bolsters my conviction that the garbage NewsMax ads littering Wonkette are predicated on the theory that conservative rubes are easy marks.

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Creativity and ingenuity are highly valued in my line of work.

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Actually I think she is swatting at a crucifix in that picture.

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Depends upon how many they exclude... They could exclude "the 100 shittiest shitbags" and still have 10,000 speakers to choose from...

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Being pissed at Grover Norquist is relatively awesome... Being pissed at Grover Norquist because he's married to a Muslin is not even remotely awesome.

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The scamming starts with the "news". If you want an audience of gullible idiots, you can't do much better than following the Faux News model, which is really just an extension of the televangelist model.

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If Lindsay got totally blotto on ketamine, and simultaneously hopped up on meth, she might look something like that -- although she'd still look a lot smarter. Lindsay may be crazy, but unlike Pammy here, she's <a href="http:\/\/www.tmz.com\/2013\/03\/04\/charlie-sheen-lindsay-lohan-mentor" target="_blank">not completely insane</a>.

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And now a crazy person gets their wings!

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I thought maybe she pounded the lectern so hard that the "BRAIN LE" fell off.

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