If the chubby white meathead was connected to politics, who could he be, Joe the plumber? Any of the male Palins?

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Honey Codger Don't Care!

(c) 2012 Tundra Grifter Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved foreign and domestic

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Thanx for that visual. Now I'll be off my feed longer than a teenager with mono.

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She probably needed a bookmark to find his little sailor.

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There was a young lady from Bangor Who slept while the ship lay at anchor She woke in dismay When she heard the mate say: "Let's lift up the topsheet and spanker!"


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A nicely polished turd, but still a turd.

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Did you see the size of their mouths? It's hard (or very embarassing) to imagine any sort of action.

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I believe in a government that is able and willing to protect me from the Mitt Romneys.

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I'm actually impressed: It's not easy to enter the game on third base, and then get picked off at first.

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you have no fucking idea. and they all come to my yard to die.

or at least 47% of them do.

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I totally agree, because the Romney style of financial predation meets the true spirit of the idea of "criminal".

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Looting retirees' pensions to pay for rented mansions and pool parties . . . yeah, we got a special place reserved for this fucker.

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Like the old line about visting a nude beach. The good news is - it's a nude beach. The bad news? It's...

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What if your dream is to find a dumpster with a half-eaten pizza?

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Sex for an hour? You mean they gazed at each other for the final 55 minutes?

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Multiple upfists!!

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