"I can swear on the (flaky) white skin that covers my ass "

Ass dandruff??! *HURRRRLL*

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Well Booda's #2 did say the OK's were "lucky they weren't shot in the back".

Which begs the question; does this mean Booda's Brigade are also too squishy wusses or traitors for allowing them to walk away?

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FFS, join the actual military and give us a sitrep with intel from a real battlefield where actual bullets are flying and real IEDs are exploding. Too scary, Merikan Patriots? Yep, I thought so.

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I'm reminded of the last days of the Republic of Texas gang - dang, that was almost twenty years ago.

Dang, I feel old now...

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Booda doesn't seem very Zen to me.

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Two guys hiking through the wilderness stop to rest, taking off their shoes to help cool off. Suddenly, in the distance, they see a bear charging toward them. The first guy takes of running while the second guy starts to put his shoes back on. The first guy stops and shouts "You don't have time for that. We have to outrun the bear!". The second guy keeps lacing his shoes and says "I don't have to outrun the bear. I have to outrun <i>you</i>".

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There will be an 'accidental discharge' before the week is out. Then comes the accusations, revenge, skullduggery, capped off by somebody begging the police, but only the county sheriff, to do something about the shitstorm they created.

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If only some element of the media had a media critic to criticize the media appearances of media critic Howard Kurtz, who appears to have lost his mind. <a href="http:\/\/www.dailymotion.com\/video\/x9be0l_hemingway-tweets-life-away_lifestyle" target="_blank">Again.</a>

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"hot drone strike"

Sounds like porn.

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<i>Yep, a battle front. Where people are willing to lay down their <b></i>women's<i></b> lives for FREEDOM and...</i>


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And thus the Battle of Bunkerville ended, mostly by friendly fire.

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Huh, as it turns out, once they get to spend some time in close quarters getting to know each other, the wingnuts have about as much contempt for each other as the rest of us have for them. You'd think this might lead to some introspection, but I doubt these mouth-breathers have the capacity.

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I'm waiting for Booda Bear's SO to show up, grab his ear and drag his white ass on outa there. The lawn aint gonna mow itself ya know!

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They just lurves them some Constitution in theory, but except for all the precious gunz, they don't seem to have the slightest clue as to what's in it.

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I'm no expert on exactly who has the power to authorize military strikes on US soil but if anyone knows the rulze of the lawz it's gotta be these 'Murican Patriotz because free grasses for the freedumb cowz!

Don't tread on my fescue!

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