It's a black hole of stupid, isn't it?

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If the “the broad sweep of American opinion” agrees with you, then I would guess that the broad sweep of Wonketeers think you're an insufferable douchebag.

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He got Josh's mom in the Back-9, and the rest is just dribbled history.

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Of course, he did a piss-poor job of defending the rational integrity of his case, not that he could ever be made to realize this.

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The Guardian Is Not The New York Times. There never used to be an obsession with "balance" in English newspapers.

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Does Robert Fisk still write for <em>The Independent</em>? Just askin'...

(The Indy used to be my paper of choice until they developed a penchant for chopping off the ends of articles, which eventually motivated my switch to <em>The Guardian</em>)

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<i>In the ensuing Twitter back-and-forth with multiple outraged interlocutors</i>

that pretty much perfectly captures the downfall of western civilization right there.

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Will. Not. Think. About. Sarah. Reading. Story. Of. O.<br /><br />Gah!

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Chet, you nailed it - cut right straight to the nub.

Any and all freedoms lead to terror, so fire at will at everybody, everywhere, anytime for any reason. USA, USA, USA!*

*Was that ok? ...cuz I`m not American? I'll walk back from the USA chant if you are offended.

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He also <i>demonstrates</i> that he's a bad writer.

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Anyone who FAILS to explain a 23 word tweet in 18 paragraphs definitely shouldn't be a writer.

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Zack Galifinakis sure is busy these days.

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I wish I could write for a bunch of morons who wouldn’t have the brains to challenge me when I write FAIL. Seems like a pretty sweet gig.

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"I focused on defending the rational integrity of my case – without pausing to consider that it was badly marred by its lack of rhetorical integrity" Pretty fancy-schmancy way of saying "I'm sorry if I offended anyone".

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Every semester I get a few evaluations saying that I wasn't very helpful. I better start wearing bullet-proof clothing to office hours.

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But but but... the Guardian <em>is</em> one of "all of them"

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