Same song, different verse.. Read about the origin of Scientology.

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Evil things. To be avoided in polite company.

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Look, I get it. I know what it's driving at. I know what it's supposed to convey, but I see it as intellectually lazy at best and intellectually dishonest at worst. Hence, why I wrote, "can't we do better than this tired line."

Don't like war? Don't have a one. you can just about put any subject in there and over simplify something that isn't that simple. I'm in no way a "pro lifer" but arguments like these are an embarrassment.

I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of women who have had or need an abortion don't necessarily "LIKE" abortion. Like abortion is a matter of taste...

Don't like the fish, Don't order the salmon. The situation is more complicated and important than that.

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Odds are they were persecuted back then since they were punished for not believing in the country's religious norms.

So they came here so they could take over and punish people for not believing in their religious norms.

That seems to be a pattern. Jews have been persecuted about as much as any group in history, but they seem to be able to dish it out as well, as they are showing with the current government of Israel.

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Well, I'm a lily-white sort-of-suburban vagina-haver and I didn't vote for Trump.

But statistically a lot of that group did. It's not that they're as bad as their male counterparts, but there is a possibility the fems can change, which is why they are the target. It's not even worth trying to get many of the menfolk to reconsider their votes.

At this point every sane person with any self respect should do their part ot get us out.

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Okay, I was trying to figure out what guns had to do with abortion. So if I understand correctly you are trying to claim that having an abortion is murder? Is that correct? Because it is not. Speak to a medical doctor about "facts" if you choose to. Thinking that abortion is murder is your opinion, perhaps based on religious beliefs.

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I don't think Abortion is murder. A fetus isn't a human. It's just a stupid argument.

As I posted to another commenter:

Look, I get it. I know what it's driving at. I know what it's supposed to convey, but I see it as intellectually lazy at best and intellectually dishonest at worst. Hence, why I wrote, "can't we do better than this tired line."

Don't like war? Don't have a one. you can just about put any subject in there and over simplify something that isn't that simple. I'm in no way a "pro lifer" but arguments like these are an embarrassment.

I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of women who have had or need an abortion don't necessarily "LIKE" abortion. Like abortion is a matter of taste...

Don't like the fish, Don't order the salmon. The situation is more complicated and important than that.

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Your winnings, Monsieur Renault.

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Okay, finally got it. My reason for saying that was because no matter how patiently you explain things to the men who spend all their time fighting against not only safe and legal abortions but easy access to birth control (that would prevent the need for abortions) they won't and don't listen to anything you say. So I give up, and just say fuck you, if you don't want an abortion don't have one. Not because I won't take time to explain the need for abortion access but because it doesn't no good. Do they care that women and girls will seek other means if it becomes illegal? Illegal abortions are way less safe. Do they care that sometimes a medical emergency happens and an emergency abortion will save the life of the woman? Nope, of course not. You can give specific examples of those things, they don't care and they don't listen because as the point of the whole post was they are just doing it to have control over people with female anatomy. Now I am going to go have a drink and watch something silly on the TV.

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Hey, it's all good. I've heard that slogan probably since I was in college (about 25 years ago now) and it's always rubbed me the wrong way, making me more bitter every time i see it. I'm sure I came off as an asshole about it, and for that I'm sorry. Hope you find something really funny to watch. May I suggest super troopers! Hysterical!! have a great night

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Just another reason that we need to make religion obsolete, extinct, to go away forever. Religion has lost any productive use it may have had, and did so long ago. It is now a millstone around our necks, an anchor that prevents us from moving forwards. It poisons minds and breeds ignorance.

If people need religion to live a moral, upright life then they are admitting they are not equipped to operate on their own. Why? That needs to be discovered and dealt with by mental health therapy. Religion is now just another system of control, like money, that does nothing to benefit us. We need to make it go away.

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As long as it's consensual between you and the battery. And neither of you are wearing pants.

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I wish I could upvote this eleventy gagillion times 11!!1.I can only add that if churches are going to exist, they should be taxed.

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I get your drift. I gently and politely (really) suggested to Hazel Cills that uninterested and disinterested mean different things and was told to find something better to do with my time. Took Jezebel off my favorites list and don't read it anymore. I gather she writes primarily celebrity gossip. I sort of liked the Clio Chang 60 second feature.

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Oh shit! Did he really?

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What are these "pants" of which you speak?

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