Thank you. Reading your comment was a good way to start another day in the third concentric circle of vocational hell.

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In the series, I have to skip through the Bastard/Theon scenes. I simply cannot take that level of sadism without retching.

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"Hit me with your rhythm stick, hit me"

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These fuckwads could also be given a choice: act like a decent human, or face a felony assault charge. I can't see too many judges or juries cutting these assholes any slack.

The bastards probably count on their wives being so dependent on hubby's job that they just can't afford to have him jailed. Give the women a support system, though, and watch what happens.

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yeah. the mobile link seemed to resolve properly in my browser on my laptop when I got home so I didn't edit it

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Nor a glourious one.

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me personally if i were chelsea, i'd kick clint in the cunt.


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Get thee behind me

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I'd be grateful...

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That's a remarkable feat of thinking yourself into the head of a wingnut with an imaginative sex life. I wonder if such people exist?

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Pretty sure that if the feds can hit the Korresh Kompound in Waco, they can hit these guys.

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"OK by default".

I know some peyote-worshipping Native Americans who'd argue w/ that.

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Leave it to Fox to make a bad story worse... <a href="http://mobile.rawstory.com/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://mobile.rawstory.com/therawstory/#!/entry/f...">http://mobile.rawstory.com/...

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That's pretty much what I was getting at, though, because the ones that don't become conditioned that way aren't going to stay in relationships like that for long, or so I'd hope.

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Yeah, but tanned people and drugs, duh

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