There is one player who posts here, I am convinced, types that with one hand, if you know what I mean.

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He would be an excellent pick.

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Oh please. Dr. Fauci is not an elected official whose party can determine life in this country. If he dies, no elections need to be held and Moscow Mitch will not take over the NIH. Stop being naive. It's nice to have experience, but in case you haven't noticed, things change.

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DiFi is losing her marbles. Pay attention.

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No need to get all snarky. Clyburn also old. (not ageist, I am an old myself, and therefore have learned about oldness) Hakeem is great. Mad props to Nancy, I loved it every time when she out played Orange dumazz.

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Also, don't mess with Nancy Pelosi.If she can fit that much ice cream in her freezer, what's a couple of recalcitrant Democratic reps?

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Yeah, it's the rest of the world (or the English language press, anyway) too. The BBC made it sound like a stand-off: https://www.bbc.com/news/wo...

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oh the drama of it all! fetch me the smelling salts!

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Sorry. I tire of this common critique of the Mighty Queen Speaker of the House. No reason to take it out on you. Have a safe day. Do not read the horse post. OMFG

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I took out the rude part. So now we can agree :-)

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Not to worry. I appreciate the conciliatory gesture. Hey like I said, mad props to Nancy. She is wily, and a consistent winner. Part of me really worries that who ever steps in after her may not have her formidable cat herding powers. I tried that Google thing you suggested BTW, it is the shit!

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lol thanks

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Let's let the media, especially Fox, please proceed.

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I think we went from arguing about whether someone of advanced age can properly serve in a demanding position, to whether anyone of an advanced age has the right.

I would point out that reducing someone to merely their age, and not their merits, is not naive: it is humane. One day, Sarafina, I will step forward and defend you and your rights, too. Naive? Sure. Call me whatever you want, but I prefer that to be reduced to using the same hardliner rhetoric of intolerance so prized by the GQP. Do better.

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It's about reality. Older people die sooner, are often not up on current technology, and senators are not scientists. Dr. Fauci is uniquely qualified to do what he does; senators are a dime a dozen. You are arguing some vague philosophical nonsense. It's not intolerance that people get old and need to be replaced; it's biology.

Speaking of merit do you really think Dianne Feinstein should get the chair of the Judiciary Committee? Are you that ignorant of her condition?

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Miss Nancy knows all the existing angles, and will figure out the future ones. I hope the Squad realize how much they can learn from her.

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