I didn't mean to be harsh. I was in college in the early 70's when my Mother told me "There's this show on Chicago public tv. I understand about half of it, but it's very funny. You'll have to watch it the next time you come for a visit." So the next time I saw my folks we stayed up (I think it was on at 10 pm - pretty late for my Mom) and we watched it. I'd never seen anything like it before.

Of course, nobody else had, either...

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Ah, the feeling of actually being represented by someone. How odd.

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Unusually small brained orangutan libels!

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Move to Oregon. It's a fairly common feeling, and one of the many reasons I stay here.

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What I want to know is when are they going to open an investigation into the connection between Vince Foster's death, Benghazi, the Trump Shuttle and Trump University. Coincidence? I think not.

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And this is what your elected officials do with their time instead of doing their jobs.

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C-Span was supposed to reveal what asshats these idiots are. Instead they're proud of their actions and probably cherish being recorded for posterity.

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I've always enjoyed the Republican view of the IRS-going-after-innocent-conservatives story, which it seems can be summed up as follows:

1. The IRS refused to give conservative groups tax-exempt status, even though these groups were completely neutral and not at all political!2. Because these completely non-political groups had to pay taxes, they failed in their completely non-political mission to help Republicans win the 2012 election!

And that's their version of the story, so it's apparently the best they can do.

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My mom introduced me to the show in the same way. Came home one night in the early 70s and found her just crying with laughter.

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Melania has locked herself in her luxurious boudoir high atop Trump Tower, bedridden upon mink and sable and cashmere blankets in her La Perla lingerie, assuaging her anxiety with Champagne and Xanax and Real Housewives marathons. Occasionally a servant will slide a plate with a slice of pear and a single exquisite raspberry under the door, for her subsistence. She sighs, she cries, her mascara streaks, she panics. She hasn't had a doo-doo in days. For now she just vants to be left alone.

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The "r" in republican is never capitalized, because they haven't earned it.

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They're just pissed that they failed to make it to Step 4: Profit!

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I'm still amazed Killdog was able to take down all of them with Scalia's pillow! She's freaking devious!

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