'Relief' was turned into a snarl word back in the 30s, but opponents of the New Deal. 'Stimulus' has so far escaped this fate.

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Hold my bong ...

...no, wait...

....give it back....


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I was slightly insulted by Bernie saying that individuals making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year are "working class." In the Midwest, where I live, that is solid middle-class income for a single person. But then I thought "What's so insulting about being called 'working class'?" and the fact is there is nothing insulting about it. Both of my grandfathers were miners, which is about as working class as it gets, and they managed to raise families on the pittance they earned. Compared to them, I'm filthy rich. Perhaps I need to re-evaluate my personal standards.

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1) They are yummy2) They are plentiful (most European hazelnuts are grown in Italy)

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I'm in that income bracket (also live in the Midwest) and I work plenty hard, although at a desk job, so I may not qualify as working-class.

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Why does ANYONE like ANY nuts in their chocolate? I don't get that and never have.

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House Dems: Give EVERYBODY Stimmy!A take on how Maj. _____ de Coverley ended The Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade in Chapter 11, Catch-22

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When I was a girl we said "Blue collar" or "White collar" but that went out of style.

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Down in my part of the world, where the minimum wage was raised 100% over the last year, inflation has not risen significantly (about 2%), and... there are permanent "stimulus" checks for those over 70 and single parent... and a work program paying a stipend to "ni-nis"--- those under 30 who are niether employed nor in school. AND... taxes haven't be raised, nor is the national debt going up. Don't ask me how the Mexican government is doing that, though I expect it has a lot to do with ignoring US economic "advise".

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Good advice!

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We are sufficiently comfortable that our check, should we receive one, will go to the local food bank, just like the prior stimulus payments.

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And laxatives.

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yeah I know but saving money is just so un-American

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sent money to philabundce food bank too

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I wish I could say that, but mine will go to medical bills.

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I was thinking they could do that with the minimum wage, too. That should make Manchin happy.

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