If gun policy was like health policy -- in the sense that it was about seeing that everyone had full access to the best guns, including the poors and the blahs -- then we would be seeing a lot less effort put into making sure it was as free of restrictions as we see being done now.

If health policy was more about maximizing sales (and hence profits) to the suppliers, then maybe it would have a lobby that could financially strong-arm Congress, too.

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Oh, man, Trigun was one of my favorite animes. Depressing ending, but then that seems to be par for the course for stories out of that region.Vash the Stampede, the "Humanoid Typhoon", the self-proclaimed warrior for LOVE AND PEACE -- what a guy.

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"Officer, I felt threatened, because he probably had a gun. Practically everyone does these days. So I shot him, because it seemed aggressive when he didn't immediately move to the other side of the sidewalk as I approached."

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Three letters: N. R. A.

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Not a set-up, more like deliberately-constructed hypocritical logic trap.

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Sabagebu! is such glorious schlock, everybody should watch it.

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My idiotic Congresstwit, the loathsome "Flee" (Lee) Zeldin, is super proud of this bill. He's also an asshat who has Bannon headlining an upcoming (out of district) fundraiser.

That man can't lose his job fast enough for me.

Funny how these assholes shriek about how Roe overreached because individual states should set their own abortion rules but don't like states' rights so much when it's time to control their boomers.

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It's a renewable resource!

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Some of the high school football games down here may get interesting, seeing as I've seen more than one ammosexual carrying his penis extension in the market, where emotions generally don't flare. Let the ref make a call against Cletus's son's team, however...

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Be in lockdown 24/7, GOOD!

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States rights only applies when they want to keep racist and homophobic laws in place.

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When I was a kid the only people who had guns were hunters and they had rifles for deer and squirrels. Policemen had handguns, but most people did not have handguns, or any guns at all. It was a BIG decision to get a gun. Now there's this aura of fear and anxiety and truculence around guns---Gotta have a gun! Gotta get another! No damn gun control! Yet it's coupled with a sort of casual attitude that has women throwing them in their handbags and getting shot by the toddler sitting in the shopping cart. It's all really weird and schizoid. Americans have gone crazy.

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Gotta keep those NRA and gun manufacturer's donations coming. The GOP only cares about power. The desire of the majority of American people is not of their concern.

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It would never work. They would be looking for the boxes with the most gruesome pictures on them.

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an we carry guns in the senate or the house or the supreme court? Not a chance, Republicans are evil but not that crazy.

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Will they allow guns at the RNC and Trump rallies now? Oh wait there might be too many people there in a very emotional state who might start shooting so they will keep the ban on guns at the RNC and rallies.

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