Wouldn't they also have to figure out how to get that same said submarine covertly through the Panama Canal for a a missile defense system on the EAST coast to be of any value?

Course maybe they haven't figured out how to use the directions feature of Google maps to get that shortest route.

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Indeed. Point taken. Glorious Submarine 1 - to the NW passage.

But I have to tell you that picturing them trying to traverse their sub through the Great Lakes has me grinning, thinking about a goofy movie plot ...

<i>The Gloriouses are Coming, The Gloriouses are Coming</i>

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I think it's only named after Suri.

It's the toobz, you know?

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Sorry, you lost me with the first sentence. Such an overdose of optimism does not exist.

Seriously, these Congressclowns don't know, or care to know, if a missile defense is plausible. This is just welfare for defense contractors.

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Very sadly, very true. I'm 64, and I've voted in every election (including primaries and those oddball local ones that crop up) since I was 21. And during that whole time, the results of the fucking elections have never been due to my vote, but to how many people of what opinion can be bothered to go to to the polling place or mail in their fucking ballot.

There are times when I think the "Starship Troopers" approach might be worth trying. Not because of the military experience, but because if people had to qualify to vote by spending some time doing something they'd really rather not do, they might just take the voting thing more seriously.

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yup that's exactly what it is. suri cruise looking down on everybody in her life - including and esp tom cruise, katie holmes and the jolie pitt kids.

it's some fine writing and fine snark.

(one assumes it is not actually written by suri cruise.)

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nah it's a funny blog.

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Pinstripes, eh? I was wondering what they were going to do with the old Yankee Stadium site.

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Economic stimulus, GOP-style!

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this has been one of those days on wonkette that makes me go to lolcats or surisburnbook or the nearest bar.

is ghost ken here?

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In USA missile defense chooses East coast.

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What we really need is a Missile defense system to protect the Gulf of America.

In other news Raytheon and General Dynamics stock is up 4 points.

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When the topic was repeal of DADT, those same GO-Pee'ers were all "listen to the commanders". Now its something Zombie Reagan wants and they're all "shut up General Stupid Pants".

If they could build it out of food stamps and social security payments, they would. OH WAIT! They <i>are</i> going to build it out of those things.

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Because they have single payer health care. The bastards.

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Well, it's not like anyone really wanted to eliminate indefinite detention, reduce the nuclear stockpile, get further out of Afghanistan or pare down the defense budget.

My head hurts.

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