If Boner would wear a teal suit (gah!!) he would become part of the <a href="http:\/\/theabyssgazes.blogspot.com\/2010\/03\/teal-and-orange-hollywood-please-stop.html" target="_blank">teal and orange conspiracy</a>

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They defunded <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Goatman_\(Maryland\)" target="_blank">Goatman</a>?

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bah bah blah sheep have you any skittles? yes sir, yes sir one bag... BANG!

the end

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they're not that nervous about Boehner

because whiskey dick

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sort of like the DHS color coded threat levels

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they got tagged good...

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as long as they didn't touch goatse

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Anarchy for the USA?

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John's Boehner doesn't measure up no matter which metric you choose.

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This is a very baaaad development.

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Nits need picking here: Our concern troll tea party friends would undoubtedly like to point out that they have not been "repealing" the Affordable Care Act. They have been rolling back sections of it and de-funding other sections.

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Boner's best hope is to judge GOP success by how much they've <i>failed</i>. Or how many poors they've screwed. Or how many abortion providers they've shut down.

Winner! Winner! Winner!

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They shut down the Sheep Improvement Center because the Center was close to understanding Sheep speech.

What are they trying to cover up? Irresponsible not to speculate, eh?

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For starters they can repeal the federal law against use of marijuana and then move on to repealing the pay raises they've voted for themselves.

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