<i>It's clearly a budget, it has a lot of numbers in it.</i> Pres. George W. Bush, May 5, 2000

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see, if egypt were less a 'middle east ally that we don't need to invade that isn't israel' and more a 'middle east trouble spot that we do need to invade' they wouldn't be getting their budget slashed.

really, it serves them right.

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Wish I could give you a hundred thumbs up. If I have time to go to our computer lab later...

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They could save 20% just by using Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons for everything. Plus cut 15% of Congressional seats. Selling Texas to Mexico would raise a few bucks and it's a win-win: they get to secede, our national averages go up. (Don't forget to act sad when they go: "Hasta la vista Texas. I don't know how we'll get along without you.")

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If the Tea Party and the Republicans really think firing thousands of people will help the economy, they are clearly stupid and should never be listened to again.

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Even better, turn back all budget items related to technology to 1950.

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You could put trucknutz on a caboose, and it still wouldn't do Amtrak any good in dumbfuckistan.

(I know, my post makes no sense, but when will I ever get the chance to type "put trucknutz on a caboose" again?)

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The obvious solution is to declare war on Switzerland, invade, and take all their money.

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