In California we passed a law that said if the budget wasn't passed by the legal deadline, the legislator's pay also stopped until a budget was submitted and approved by the Governor. Funny how fast the Repugs stopped playing games with the budget after that.
By not funding the entire government, they've defunded Obamacare. If only the Republicans valued sacred human life enough to lift a finger to keep the already-born alive.
I notice the 'Pubes couldn't stop themselves from dragging contraceptives out of Obamacare. As a person of the non-female gender, this directly affects my chances of getting laid*. And not in a good way. ______________________________ * some of you know how good those chances were before this.
"NASA will shut down pretty much completely"
Oh lord, I think I've finally figured out their plan. With NASA shut down, large portions of our deep space monitoring capability (pitiful as it is) will be largely unmanned. So potentially, the way could be open for Ted Cruz's alien masters to mount a full scale invasion.
Dear America, Either stop voting Republican so this shit will stop happening, or at least vote in the primaries and get reasonable people nominated as Republicans (remember Eisenhower? Jacob Javitz? Earl Warren? Nelson Rockefeller? John Heinz? Those guys were pretty reasonable) instead of Tea Party lunatics.
signed, Someone who actually knows what they are talking about.
may your man ride out this shitstorm on a wave of wonkette love and land at your feet fully hatched with LURV on his mind.
In California we passed a law that said if the budget wasn't passed by the legal deadline, the legislator's pay also stopped until a budget was submitted and approved by the Governor. Funny how fast the Repugs stopped playing games with the budget after that.
By not funding the entire government, they've defunded Obamacare. If only the Republicans valued sacred human life enough to lift a finger to keep the already-born alive.
I notice the 'Pubes couldn't stop themselves from dragging contraceptives out of Obamacare. As a person of the non-female gender, this directly affects my chances of getting laid*. And not in a good way. ______________________________ * some of you know how good those chances were before this.
I would like to give each and every one of these Republicans a hug. During which, I would stick a "kick me" sign on their back.
"NASA will shut down pretty much completely"
Oh lord, I think I've finally figured out their plan. With NASA shut down, large portions of our deep space monitoring capability (pitiful as it is) will be largely unmanned. So potentially, the way could be open for Ted Cruz's alien masters to mount a full scale invasion.
Preach it, Terry!
This is like taking a history class from George Burns and Gracie Allen.
Please form an orderly line at the Canadian border. You will be issued maple syrup and hockey equipment on a first come, first served basis...
House Republicans are obviously non-essential -- they haven't done shit in years, and it hasn't much mattered.
That Republican jobs laser needs recalibration.
Dear America, Either stop voting Republican so this shit will stop happening, or at least vote in the primaries and get reasonable people nominated as Republicans (remember Eisenhower? Jacob Javitz? Earl Warren? Nelson Rockefeller? John Heinz? Those guys were pretty reasonable) instead of Tea Party lunatics.
signed, Someone who actually knows what they are talking about.
I would be more surprised if they were not drunk except for Michele Bachmann, she's more of pilling popping goofball kind of politician.