Also too:

How dark is their complexion? Are their parents ill-eagles? Are they the right kind of Xtian denomination?

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Chocolate pudding snack cups to be eaten & finger painting murals to be made in Rep. Steve King's office.

Soiled laundry & Kleenex to be stored in Sen. Phil Gingrey's office.

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Could be worse . . . the Republican teabaggers could be passing their idiotic ideas into law.

Paralysis is preferable, and the longer it goes on the worse the GOP looks. By the time election day rolls around, only the most irredeemable conservatards -- and Fucks Gnus viewers -- will believe it's "Obama's fault."

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"...take out the bits that kill, maim, disenfranchise or impoverish most people..."

And where's the fun in <i>that?</i>

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Those are starting to look like the "good old days", aren't they?

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principle, principal . . . what's that called again?

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But do you have a<i> <a href="http:\/\/mathworld.wolfram.com\/DevilsCurve.html" target="_blank">favorite</a>?</i>

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Who wants to punch old bacon face? I know I do.

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Could it be "The Golden Shitmuffin"? Same Ted Cruz face though, and the little trucknutz below the chin.

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The chicken might have gotten away, but they will keep fucking that ill-eagle.

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Our concerns-- actually running the fucking country.

Their concerns-- getting re-elected, which you'd think would make them at least respect OUR concerns-- until you realize that with gerrymandering, the only threat to their seats is somebody wingnuttier than them. Really, all they're really interested in is sucking off enough corporate johns to put money in their re-election campaigns.

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then they'd complain about that...

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I thought it was John Boehner's nuts after Cruz was done with them...

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the sad part is there probably is an Evanescence cover band out there somewhere

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that's the problem- anything more complex than a crayon drawing and their base has no damn idea what is even going on...

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