Yeah I think the real "problem" with this whole thing is that Planned Parenthood was donating fetal tissue to "scientific research" instead of selling it to Chick-Fil-A as "meat filler" for a tidy profit.
Should we learn from this? How about we make a video showing Texas drying to dust and blowing away, Florida swept away by the ocean, Oklahoma becoming one large sinkhole and filling with the blood of conservatives from Kansas. Blame it on liberals for keeping us from addressing climate change and see if the gop will do something about it. (Ok, Oklahoma may actually get swallowed by a sinkhole the way the fracking s going but it would jut be wishful thinking it would fill with teaparty blood.)
See, that's just it: He's from suburban Pittsburgh -- hardly a hint of red, and his base isn't the typical Republican base at all. In fact, something like this would work exactly opposite of what would happen in, say, Ted Cruz's district. Murphy's only real competition in the last 10 years was a challenge from a Tea Partier, that he beat down handily just by NOT being a dick. I just don't see him as a RWNJ shill.
And Indiana (well on its way to becoming the Mississippi of the North) had an epidemic of HIV outbreaks in a rural area recently and the illustrious governor had to authorize a state of emergency. (on the heels of that little gay religious freedom fiasco) Look for Pence to be the next declared candidate. He fits the GOP leadership criteria perfectly. Scott County, Indiana, the center of an exploding HIV outbreak, has been without an HIV testing center since early 2013, when the sole provider -- a Planned Parenthood clinic -- was forced to close its doors. The clinic did not offer abortion services.
There isn't any real profit in selling embryo parts for R&D unless they have found a way to continue growing the individual body parts for transplant like livers and kidneys. If that's the case any complaint would be silenced by the corporation doing it. This place would be some secret lab deep in the jungles of Argentina or somewhere equally secret. Id didn't even bother to watch this video since the premise is so full of BS. I am in favor of a slander suit.
There are stories on the internet of Catholic nurses "baptizing" miscarried fetuses and stillborn babies--without the consent of the parents--because religious freedom and ZOMG babby murder.
Normally I'd take it with a grain of salt but at least one of said stories was told by one of the nurses doing the "baptizing."
If you want to commodify GOP tears then you had better act fast. After November 2016 the market will be flooded with them and that will kill your profit margin.
Unless the nurse is an ordained priest in the Catholic Church (in which case he wouldn't be working as a nurse), he cannot perform the Catholic sacrament of baptism. If the nurses in question were women then the stories were doubly bogus: -- In the Catholic religion, baptism is a holy sacrament. -- Sacraments can only be performed by a priest or a bishop. -- There are no women priests or bishops in the Catholic Church. -- Catholic priests do not work as nurses. -- Catholic priests do not perform sacraments without the recipient's conscious consent. (In the case of infant baptism, the parents provide the consent.) In the absence of knowledge and consent the act is meaningless and no sacrament is conferred. (For instance if a person doesn't know that they have been baptized Catholic and has no awareness of being Catholic, then they are not Catholic in any practical sense. There is no such thing as a "stealth baptism" in the Catholic Church.) -- The Catholic Church does not sanction baptism of the dead. Doing so is sacrilegious.
Furthermore, if one is an atheist or a non-believer then the whole baptism of the unconscious or deceased thing is a non-issue anyway. If you don't believe in a sky god then you also don't believe that a baptism ceremony has any effect. (Because there is nothing for it to effect!) If a Mormon tells you that he baptized your great-great-grandfather, ask him to show you concrete evidence that this has done anything at all for anyone. Try not to chuckle too much as you are doing this. Then remind him that as far as you are concerned, this so-called baptism is an utterly meaningless gesture that has no meaning for you or your family, and that it definitely doesn't mean anything to your dead ancestor because he is dead.
Yeah I think the real "problem" with this whole thing is that Planned Parenthood was donating fetal tissue to "scientific research" instead of selling it to Chick-Fil-A as "meat filler" for a tidy profit.
I can't even find an image pathetic enough, to point and laugh at this shit...
Should we learn from this? How about we make a video showing Texas drying to dust and blowing away, Florida swept away by the ocean, Oklahoma becoming one large sinkhole and filling with the blood of conservatives from Kansas. Blame it on liberals for keeping us from addressing climate change and see if the gop will do something about it. (Ok, Oklahoma may actually get swallowed by a sinkhole the way the fracking s going but it would jut be wishful thinking it would fill with teaparty blood.)
See, that's just it: He's from suburban Pittsburgh -- hardly a hint of red, and his base isn't the typical Republican base at all. In fact, something like this would work exactly opposite of what would happen in, say, Ted Cruz's district. Murphy's only real competition in the last 10 years was a challenge from a Tea Partier, that he beat down handily just by NOT being a dick. I just don't see him as a RWNJ shill.
having completely lost our war against the ghey, we will now return to our regularly scheduled programming of slut shaming and misogyny./fundie RWNJ
And Indiana (well on its way to becoming the Mississippi of the North) had an epidemic of HIV outbreaks in a rural area recently and the illustrious governor had to authorize a state of emergency. (on the heels of that little gay religious freedom fiasco) Look for Pence to be the next declared candidate. He fits the GOP leadership criteria perfectly. Scott County, Indiana, the center of an exploding HIV outbreak, has been without an HIV testing center since early 2013, when the sole provider -- a Planned Parenthood clinic -- was forced to close its doors. The clinic did not offer abortion services.
There isn't any real profit in selling embryo parts for R&D unless they have found a way to continue growing the individual body parts for transplant like livers and kidneys. If that's the case any complaint would be silenced by the corporation doing it. This place would be some secret lab deep in the jungles of Argentina or somewhere equally secret. Id didn't even bother to watch this video since the premise is so full of BS. I am in favor of a slander suit.
How many bottles of wine did they buy her first?
That was mean.
Fetus Fries(TM)
There are stories on the internet of Catholic nurses "baptizing" miscarried fetuses and stillborn babies--without the consent of the parents--because religious freedom and ZOMG babby murder.
Normally I'd take it with a grain of salt but at least one of said stories was told by one of the nurses doing the "baptizing."
Makes me wonder how many dying adults are "christened" or "baptised" without consent by health care providers.
Somewhere in hell, Goebels smiles.
(Yeah I went full Godwin. But fuck those guys they earned the comparison.)
If you want to commodify GOP tears then you had better act fast. After November 2016 the market will be flooded with them and that will kill your profit margin.
Unless the nurse is an ordained priest in the Catholic Church (in which case he wouldn't be working as a nurse), he cannot perform the Catholic sacrament of baptism. If the nurses in question were women then the stories were doubly bogus: -- In the Catholic religion, baptism is a holy sacrament. -- Sacraments can only be performed by a priest or a bishop. -- There are no women priests or bishops in the Catholic Church. -- Catholic priests do not work as nurses. -- Catholic priests do not perform sacraments without the recipient's conscious consent. (In the case of infant baptism, the parents provide the consent.) In the absence of knowledge and consent the act is meaningless and no sacrament is conferred. (For instance if a person doesn't know that they have been baptized Catholic and has no awareness of being Catholic, then they are not Catholic in any practical sense. There is no such thing as a "stealth baptism" in the Catholic Church.) -- The Catholic Church does not sanction baptism of the dead. Doing so is sacrilegious.
Furthermore, if one is an atheist or a non-believer then the whole baptism of the unconscious or deceased thing is a non-issue anyway. If you don't believe in a sky god then you also don't believe that a baptism ceremony has any effect. (Because there is nothing for it to effect!) If a Mormon tells you that he baptized your great-great-grandfather, ask him to show you concrete evidence that this has done anything at all for anyone. Try not to chuckle too much as you are doing this. Then remind him that as far as you are concerned, this so-called baptism is an utterly meaningless gesture that has no meaning for you or your family, and that it definitely doesn't mean anything to your dead ancestor because he is dead.
Watch this again when you're high.