Rolling Stone has a comprehensive article on Zika. The gist is it ain't good.

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Personally, I'm wondering about the thought process which read a zombie joke and decided that THIS was the perfect entrée for Very Serious Thoughts About Job Creation and Democratic Perfidy!

Unless he is simply drawing a correlation between the made-up menace of zombies and the clearly made-up menace of his Democratic fever dream. That's possible, too, I guess.

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Sigh. More projection here than a multiplex. "All those rich, successful business owner’s/job creators have no brains?" - Well look at Mr. Trump. is that is one's idea of clever you are sadly mistaken.

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A sad sad little rage junkie - really do try and get a life and find some happiness.

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Guys you can't shoot a virus with a gun. I don't know who told you otherwise.

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Lots of rich people, job creators, and skilled tradesmen vote D. So...huh. Also, the poorest places in the country? In solidly red states. Every single one of em.*pats* D for effort though, you nearly had a talking point.

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I think it was the "I'm Rubber, You're Glue" thought process

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Innumerate and too stoopit to realize how easy facts are to come by.. This from Bloomberg, for instance


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You’ve never walked the vaccination gauntlet in basic training, did you? 10 guys with vacc guns, 5 onna side. 5 in each arm, don’t tense or flinch.

Yes, I know it’s not what you meant, but it’s what popped up in my head none the less…

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Incidentally dimwit, the decline of many great cities in the rustbelt is down to decisions made by "business owner's" (sic) who were only concerned about the bottom line. Hard to run a city successfully when your tax base is gone because there are no jobs any more...and how much would you care to bet that the people who made those decisions voted the straight Republican ticket?

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Lies and projection....go look at Hillary's named endorsers from business. Then go look at Cheeto Hitler's named endorsers from the same and wow, it's like 2 or 3-1 for Hillary. Dumb wingnut....

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Dumb Trumpite is stupid. Let it go son, you're out of your league. Sad!

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All of these states will also be hard hit with the non-existent climate changes that encourage mosquitoes.So it's a lose-lose for the poor folks in those states.

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Ska, was it?

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Rats! I'll just have to wait until Sunday I guess.

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The bill mandates that the Zika funds be prioritized for mosquito control programs, vaccines and diagnostics.

So, a spending bill that defies the President while funneling money to chemical companies, big pharma, and equipment manufacturers but not people. Sounds Republican to me.

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