and i'm an old . . . just not one of the stupid ones.

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Thanks for the context.

I'm a big fan of the Oxford comma myself, but I put them in the right place.

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These morans and their obsession with repealing Obamacare, gutting Medicare, and block-granting us all to hell remind me of one of my favorite passages from The Code of the Woosters:

I suppose that when two men of iron will live in close association with one another, there are bound to be occasional clashes, and one of these had recently popped up in the Wooster home. Jeeves was trying to get me to go on a Round-The-World cruise, and I would have none of it. But in spite of my firm statements to this effect, scarcely a day passed without him bringing me a sheaf or nosegay of those illustrated folders which the Ho-for-the-open-spaces birds send out in the hope of drumming up custom. His whole attitude recalled irresistibly to the mind that of some assiduous hound who will persist in laying a dead rat on the drawing-room carpet, though repeatedly apprised by word and gesture that the market for same is sluggish or even non-existent.

We have repeatedly apprised these hounds of the sluggish-to-non-existent market for this bullshit by word and gesture, but do they listen? Nope.

Apparently, the only gesture they'll understand will be the one we (hopefully) give them in the midterms.


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Yeah, you're probably right.

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had a trollish type some time back who did commas like that.

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It'll trickle down like a Russian hooker.

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It's not novel when they've wanted to do it for the past god-knows-how-many years.

DJT just enabled them to actually go about it.

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You could stop funding "your" president's weekly golf vacations. Just sayin'.

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Wow. No bigger enemy than debt and deficit? What about rampant sexism, misogyny, persistent ratfucking via secret PACs and dark money, and just some good ol' greed, grift, gerrymandering, and God-bothering? Oh, and making the American people pay for all of the preceding. But then, Steve Womack is a Republican from Arkansas, bless his heart.

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One reason is that Repub voters mostly understand that winning elections is important. They don't go in so much for purity voting.

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The understand parts of how the economy works. They know if they can increase the deficit in boom times they can later argue that social programs must be cut to balance the budget.

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About this one what?

Serious question.

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Gee, it almost seems as though Dems could use this as an issue in the midterms.

I sure wish they were better at messaging. Their 2018 slogan is "A Better Deal," for god sake.

How about "Let's Get Some Real Work Done" or something?

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Yeah, I still have some checks left!

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Thank you. Wild berries are the best!

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